1. An Old Prophecy

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On one usual day at the Guild, as noisy and reckless as were usual the members of Fairy Tail, things seem to be going on as ever.
Suddenly, the main door opened, and an old woman, tall and thin, with pink hair, a frowned and worried expression on her face, came in, carrying an old book.
She didn't bother to talk to anyone, but went streight upstairs to the old Master Makarov 's office. It was an old friend, the apothicaire and carer of the guild, Porlyusica.
Seeing her coming in, and the expression on her face, Master asked her what was going on.
She closed the door, and sat in front of Makarov, then she spoke in a low voice.
"We need to talk, and take measures quickly. What we both worried about is going to happen. I've been studying the sky, as well as my old grimoires.
Every 200 years, when the Moon aligns with Venus, in the Constellation of the Dragon, the Mating  season will start, for the young adult Dragon Slayers. At least, Wendy is out of danger... ''
'' How many time do we have until the process starts? '' asked Master.
'' it already started. And it will take other 3 weeks to complete, the next full moon. But even before, you will notice changes in their behaviour... They will start being overprotective, possessive with their mates. Then, jealous, and aggressive. Even more clingy and physically drawn to the person they love. When the Full moon happens, the real craving will start, they can hurt others and even their mates if they resist, or worse, reject them. We must control them, even if it looks like torture, it's for the best... ''
Master stayed silent for a moment. Like deep in his own thoughts. Then he answered.
" we've been dreading this situation ever since Laxus became a Dragon Slayer, and having the other young Slayers. I took some measures, to be prepared... In case it happened. But, we must also think about our allayed guilds, Sabertooth has also two slayers. And Gray will be also part of the process. Thanks to Jellal, we'll be able to bring here Eric, as well. And at the same time, Erza and Mira will have the mission to watch over the girls. I'll call here the girls from other guilds that are in danger, Yukino Agria, and Kagura Mikazuchi.

I will need your assistance all along, for drugs and potions, also to try to relieve at least a little the horrible pain the boys will have to endure... '' he said lower, thinking about his grandson, Laxus.
Porlyusica added... "it's time to gather the girls, and explain them everything... ''
'' Mirajane already knows, but she ignores yet that it's happening soon. They will have to be strong, and stay together, at the... Mansion. ''
Master called Mira, and told her to bring there the girls '' she knew '' what about...

After a few moments, Mira came back, followed by Erza, Lucy, Juvia, Levy, Kinana, and Wendy.
Erza spoke first '' What's going on Master? Is there something threatening our guild? I volunteer to be in the first line of the battle... ''
'' Calm down, Titania, we will need you indeed. But there is no threat coming from outside... Instead, we will have to deal with a much more delicate situation, within our guild, with your own nakamas. ''
'' What? What does it mean, why us? '' Lucy started, with a sick feeling in her stomach.
The Master continued.
'' As you might notice, except for Erza and Wendy, you all have a point in common, and we all know it, even if it's allegedly, a secret between you. All of you girls are the love interest of a Dragon Slayer... And have mutual feelings... ''
At this point, Mirajane was almost fainting of too much fangirling, while all the others girls were furiously blushing, putting Erza's hair to shame.
Wendy shyly asked '' but Master, why am I here if I'm not concerned? Or...is something going to happen to me? '' the young girl looked very frightened.
'' No, my little Wendy. If I called you with the other girls, is only because you must know, what's part of your nature as a Dragon Slayer. Fortunately you are too young, still, to go through this process, and, hopefully, as, it happens every hundred years or more, you will be spared of this. It doesn't mean that you won't be able to find your own mate, but without going through all the pain... ''
All the girls then exploded in a thousand questions, going into sheer panic.
'' Pain, what, wait ! Who is going through pain? Lucy, the Celestial mage asked frantically.
'' Does it mean all the Dragon Slayers will have to go through some process? '' Levy added, starting to connect the dots.
'' Silence! '' Porlyusica, which standed in a far corner of the room, commanded all them to stop the noise. She could barely stand human presence. The situation was really serious if she consented to stay so long with them. All the girls stopped talking at once and listened the old mage, knowing well her bad temper.
'' All you girls are going to be in danger! And don't start gushing about your crushes chasing you, because you have no idea of what it's going to happen. And what the boys will have to endure! Now, read this book, about the stages of the process of mating.
'' SORRY''' Kinana asked '' how do we know which Slayers mate are we supposed to be? '' she asked bewildered.
'' well, it's pretty obvious. '' Makarov went on '' Lucy, is Natsu's'' everyone stared at the girl, and the blonde blushed terribly, giggles were heard,then he continued' ' Juvia is Gray's, as he' s affected as well being a Demon Slayer now, (Juvia was already lost in dreams no matter the situation), Levy... Is Gajeel's mate, yes.  Mirajane, is Laxus. And you Kinana, are Eric's, Cobra, mate. We know about your story and your previous Snake form.
Ah, I must add that two other girls, of other guilds, will join us soon, because two other Slayers will be after them. Yukino, from Sabertooth, and Kagura, master of Mermaid heel, are the mates of the twin Dragons, Sting and Rogue respectively.
Now, we must inform you about the changes that will happen to your boyfriends. In these first days, and the next 3 weeks, they will be increasingly possessive, jealous and physically close to you. At the same time, their stamina will rise by hundred, increasing their powers and strength, far beyond their usual standards, which are quite high already for them all. This could be a danger to anyone, due to their jealousy and craving, even for their own mates, and themselves. But, I must also warn you that, during this rising power, on the other hand, they will experience extremely intense pain, due to craving their mates. The pain will be such that very powerful narcotic potions would be needed, to relieve the pain, and, at the same time, keep them unconscious, while they will be kept chained up, in cells that we prepared, with special materials, down in the secret prison of the guild. '' Master said.
At this point, all the girls were looking worried each other, with tears swelling in their eyes.
'' We have been preparing for this eventuality long ago. And you will all have to go to a secret place. Mest will take you there, don't worry, you'll be far away and protected, now go home and prepare just one bag, each. You will find everything necessary already there. Erza, you and Jellal will be the only ones to follow them, in order to protect them, in case... ''
Erza answered "In case they run away? We'll be ready, no matter how strong they might be ''.
The Master dismissed them, and as soon as they got downstairs, Natsu was all over Lucy, but in an unusually cozy and clingy way.
'' Hey Luce', where you goin'? Can I go with you, please! ''
Lucy had to be strong, giving the other girls a look, she just said'' No, Natsu, you can't, now please leave me alone, I got stuff to do at home.' '
All the girls went to Fairy Hills, in Erza' s room,to discuss about what they just discovered. Levy had carried the old book they had to read, to find out the details of the mating process.
'' Gosh, this really sucks... '' said Lucy, her head in her hands.
'' well... There might be some positive aspects... If we think that lately the boys have been more caring... And getting closer... '' Mira started with a wink, but Erza cut her off '' Mira please, this is no time to be gushing about ships or who's canon or whatever...! The boys will get very powerful, and aggressive! There's nothing cute about it! ''
'' But, actually, we all noticed lately that they were closer, and acting in an unusual way, right? '' Levy asked.
'' Well... Yeah... Even Natsu was almost  cozy and romantic in his dumb ways''!
'' oh, Juvia doesn't care if Gray-sama would capture her and... Oh, please Erza don't scold Juvia! It's so exciting that the men we love would be chasing us as their mates! '' Juvia was swooning and carried away in her daydreaming.
'' Girls, there's also something else to be worried about. '' Levy added''I started reading the book, and it said that we will also feel some changes, both physically and emotionally, and our powers will increase, as well, during that phase, before the real mating starts...' 'and, if they' were rejected, during this phase, they could die...

' 'And, what does it say about the actual... ehm... Mating ?' ' Kinana asked, blushing.
Levy continued to read.' 'Well hmm... The slayer, once get hold of his mate, will mark her as his, in one place of her body, before...' 'Levy stopped stammering, red like a cherry,' 'well... You know what...!
Thankfully Wendy was safely in her room with Carla.
That's when two other girls came in, carrying a small bag, following Cana, who lead them there.
' 'Erza-san! I'm happy to see you again, though the situation is not pleasant.' 'Kagura greeted Erza first,while Yukino, the other Celestial mage, sat with Lucy and Levy. The girls briefed their friends about all the details, and soon after, they decided to stay at Fairy Hills, got a bath together, trying to relax. Then they shared their rooms, because Lucy, Yukino and Kagura, didn't want to take any risks by going to their homes. Lucy thought that luckily she had a bag with her, from her previous mission two days before. She shared Levy's roomas  well as Yukino, while Kagura shared Erza's room. They were all both excited and afraid for the next days to come.
Meanwhile, at the guild, Natsu and Gray were fighting, as usual, Galeel joined them, it was getting really messy until Laxus crushed them all down.
Then, they noticed the girls were missing. They sat at the desk, sipping a cold beer. Cana told them that the girls were on a girls only evening, before leaving for different missions, by teams of 2 or 3. That was supposed to gain some time, before the next phase begins, neading to locking them down in anti magic chains, in the cells, deep beneath the guild, in a secret jail.
Cana and her father were now informed too. For they would have the hard task  as guardians of the prisoners.
In his office, master Makarof spent all night, worried, thinking about their plan, and hoping for the best.

Hello minna! That's the 1st chapter done! I hope that you liked it and I will be updating soon, so please comment, give a like and share if you enjoyed it. This chapter was longer than I thought but, it's a complicated plot, and the first story of this kind for me. Please be kind! 🙏💖 Arigato minna!

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