6. Mating, GRUVIA (re-edited Version.)

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Moments after Levy and Lucy had left the living room, Juvia got up, and said that she was going to swim, in the covered pool, downstairs.
But before, she thought that she needed to get back to her room to put her bathing suit on, and take her towel.
She got into her beautiful pale blue bedroom, with velvet blue curtains, facing the sea, and the beach, beyond the gardens. She sighted, and started humming a sweet, sad melody with her clear, soft voice.
She took off her clothes, a light blue tight shirt, and darker blue yoga pants, and she stood for a moment watching her body, her pearl white skin, and curvy shapes.
She put on a silk kimono, and started looking for her white bathing suit...
Then she gasped, seeing a reflection in the mirror, of a tall man, with raven black hair, standing behind her.
Her heart skipped a beat, and she started to tremble, tears swelling in her eyes. She wanted to run to him, but her knees felt too weak to carry her. She just managed to whisper '' Gray sama! Finally! '' stretching her arms open to reach him. It was her beloved Gray, although he was now covered with those black spots she already knew. But she had never seen him before so changed, his long black bangs, sleekly pulled back, his eyes burning with purple fire instead of their calm, dark grey shade.
He had a light smirk on his lips... But it was soft smile, and in his eyes she could see love and craving, longing for her.

Gray's heart was racing like it was going to explode in his chest

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Gray's heart was racing like it was going to explode in his chest... He had a glimpse of her white soft skin, through the kimono, barely closed, on her. She was standing, like a statue of a goddess, with her arms reaching out to him, trembling, so delicate and fragile. He felt the urge to hold her, and protect her. Make her his mate, his one and only.
He held her close, wrapping his arms around her body, buring his face in her long, wavy hair, smelling like fresh Gardenia, after the rain. She was holding him also so tight, wrapping her delicate arms around his slender and muscular body.
He kept her in his tight embrace, guiding her to the large bathroom, separated only by a thick pale blue velvet curtain. Juvia silently followed him, blushing, glancing at him. Her heart was also racing madly.
He thought that she would feel more at ease in her element, first, to help her relax... He had filled the round marble bathtub with warm water, and her essence of white musc and Gardenia... It was fresh like the smell of rain...
Gray pulled slowly down her white silk kimono, and slowly, carefully, took off her pale blue lingerie... They were both trembling, although their skin was burning inside.
He helped her inside the tub, and held her close into his arms, almost afraid that she would melt into water again and disappear... He kissed her passionately.

Her eyes were wet, but she was smiling, with a sweet, loving look.
'' Juvia waited for you, Gray-sama... And Juvia is not afraid... To be your mate... Juvia had always and will forever be yours, Gray. ''
'' Are you sure, to want this? Heaven knows how much I want you, but I 'll never hurt you or harm you... I was going crazy without you, they tried to keep us locked... I craved so badly this moment.'' he said, looking intensely into her deep blue,mesmerising eyes. She shyly looked up at him, lifting her head and offered her soft lips. He finally could release the passion he felt inside, that was burning him for days... They kissed, in a deep, long, lustful, passionate moment. He trembled from inside and for once, his skin was burning too.
Gray held her face into his hands, then slowly, went down her neck, and her shoulders, exploring her perfect body.
He kissed slowly her neck, gently, getting at the base of her collarbones, and then, in the crook of her neck, he gently let his newly grown fangs diving into her soft creamy skin. She whimpered, wincing for a second, but soon relaxed again, letting herself fall into his embrace.
The room was locked, he pulled down the curtains, and they layed together over the satin covered bed...
A few hours later, while Gray was still fast asleep, Juvia woke up, and watched her beloved, now looking back as before, the dark spots had gone, and his hair fell down on his face as before.


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She smiled, kissed him, then she went in front of the mirror, where she used to sit and comb her hair. She smiled at herself in the mirror, then she pulled her hair one one side, and inspected her neck...there, at the base, she discovered a mark, showing a beautiful pale blue heart, with a drop, studded as a gem into a silver snow flake, looking like a crystal, surrounding it. It was absolutely charming, and so fitting for her. She giggled softly, blushing, wondering what was happening to her friends in that same moment.
She went back to bed, lying down on her Gray-sama's chest. She had never felt happier or more proud. Soon she fell deeply asleep again.

My version of the mark, all rights belong to the author, please ask me and credit if you want to borrow it

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My version of the mark, all rights belong to the author, please ask me and credit if you want to borrow it.

End of this chapter. Gruvia mating done! Keep reading! New chapters coming soon... Please leave a comment if you enjoyed the story, let me know your thoughts and share!

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