11.Mating : STINGYU

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That afternoon, earlier, the girls started feeling bored and moody.
After chatting for a while, wirh Mira's usual teasing the other girls about their Crushes and the Ships that she wished, and how many Nalu or Gruvia babies... And after having a snack with the new coockies recipe that Kinana and Mira just made that day, the mood started to sunk. They stopped talking, and slowly, one by one, each went her way... To take a nap, or a shower, or go swimming, or training...or reading to the library.
After Lucy and Levy left, Yukino stayed a moment longer, hugging her pale white velvet cushion,her favourite, like each girl had one. Lucy's was pink, Levy's pale orange, Juvia pale blue, Erza's was dark red, Mira's deep pink, Kinana's green, Kagura's purple... Now they were all scattered on the large cream  velvet couch...
Yukino felt the Mansion was so silent, that afternoon. She wondered what to do, maybe go and check on Lucy, in her room, just across her own, but she remembered Lucy said she wanted to take a long bath, so she didn't want to bother her.
Mira was still in the large kitchen, putting away the food and cleaning up,while humming some sweet song.
Yukino eventually decided to go and read something, and maybe take a long meditation, to work on her magic  strength.
She went silently up to her room, everything was strangely quiet, only the waves, from the shore, on the other side, kept their never-ending song.
She loved the peace of her room. It was all in cream and silver shades. The walls, were pale cream, but the curtains, the small sofas in front of the bed, the large soft carpet on the polished wooden parquet, as well as the bed cover and curtains, and the pillows and small cushions spread here and there, were all in pale silver satin and velvet.
She was wearing light pale blue yoga pants, and a white tank top, with silver stars in it,so she decided to sit on the carpet, in front of her bed, near her dressing table. She sat down, crossing her legs, in the classic lotus flower yoga posture,starting her meditation and magic training.
She was trying to concentrate, but felt odd, like if someone was watching her. She opened her eyes, but there was nothing... Everything was fine and silent.
'' I'm starting to have hallucinations... This big house is sometimes a bit strange... ''
She closed her eyes again. After a little while, she felt like a soft, warm light was sourrounding her, like an embrace, lifting her literally from the floor! This couldn't be the result of her meditation, she thought, opening her eyes!
What a surprise! There were candles on the chandeliers, and on the floor, big round candles like globes, alight in the room, and she could feel that soft shimmering light still embracing her.
She smiled, and whispered '' Sting... I was hoping you would find me ''...
Then, she felt his warm and strong arms around her shoulders, and his lips on her neck.

'' How could any cage or chain keep me away from what's mine?... Right? '' he was smiling teasingly, but in his eyes she could read a longing, sweet and loving look. She smiled, silently nodding. He leant in, closer, and their lips locked for their first, sweet, passionate kiss.
'' Do you really feel ready for this? I love you Yukino. I don't just desire you, even if I do crave you like a drug, so much that I was going mad when they locked us up... But even though, I don't want you to feel forced into this... Do you really want to be my Mate? '' Sting asked her with a shy, sweet smile.
'' Of course I do... There's nothing I longed more all this time! I 'm not afraid... No matter what they say. And I know all the other girls think the same...' 'she blushed, lowering her gaze, before looking back into his eyes.
' 'Then, I really want it to be special for us... Don't worry, I' d never harm you... I'll take care of you... '' he lifted her from the floor, keeping her in his arms, and slowly guided her to the big white and silver marble bathroom.
In front of the large mirror, in a silver frame, he kissed her while taking off her clothes. She noticed that he was looking somehow different, with white scales on his face and white marks, on the right side of his body. His hair was much longer, wildly pulled back on his neck. But he was still looking stunning, with that lean, muscular body.
He opened the glass cabin of the large shower, where both of them could fit comfortably...
There were candles also there, in different sizes and shapes, so the light was dim and soft.
She whapped herself into a white towel, trimmed with silver embroidered lace... He guided her under the warm stream of water, coming from different places. He slowly took her towel off, leaving it outside, and closing the glass cabin. He had also taken his clothes off, and he kindly pulled her closer to him. They kissed, for long lustful moments, feeling their skin, touching together, under the warmth of the water surrounding them. He kissed softly her face, her neck, going down to her shoulders, then back to her neck... In the croock of her neck, on the left, he deepened his kiss, allowing his fangs into her tender white skin. She winced and shivered, for a second, but his soft kisses erased the pain, and she felt a wave of pleasure and desire grow...
After that shower, he wrapped them both into warm, white towels, and he brought her, bride style, on the large bed, pulling down the silver curtains, laying her on the satin cover of the bed...
A few hours later...
She opened her eyes, still in his arms. It was deep at night now. He was sleeping, appeased, and tired. Yukino smiled, blushing, while watching at Sting asleep... Then, her smile went even brighter and she sneaked out of the bed, to her dressing table. In the soft candlelight, she saw in her mirror, the mark that meant she was a Dragon Slayer's Mate. A silver star shined in the croock of her neck, sorrounded by white flames  around the star. She was in love with it! It looked so cute, delicate and so alike her. It represented them both so well.
She smiled at her reflection in the mirror, then, she got back into his arms, falling asleep, happy to belong to the only man she ever loved.


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End chapter 11 Stingyu. I hoped you guys liked this one too. Please leave me a like and a comment, and if you liled this maybe check my other fanfics! Arigato minna! 🙏💖🌸

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