4. To The Spot!

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After hours running fast through the night, the seven Slayers arrived at the edges of the forest, they could hear the waves of the shore in the distance, beyond the threes.
'' Are we there yet Eric? '' Asked Gajeel,when they stopped.
'' We're getting closer, I can feel it, but there's a sort of barrier... I can sense a sort of magic around. I get flashes of them, but blurred... '' Cobra answered, trying to concentrate.
'' I feel their smell... '' Natsu said
'' Me too, I feel a strong magic energy coming from here... '' Gray added.
'' Guys, come see here! '' Sting called, standing in front of a small, wooden cabin,deep in the branches.
'' Could it be here? Rogue questioned, skeptical.
'' I can feel a strong spell around here, do you sense it? '' Laxus reached his arm to touch the cabin's door.

'' Be careful Laxus! '' Gray warned his comrade. '' I can definitely feel a spell here''
' 'Do you think they are here?''Natsu asked, puzzled.
'' They musn't be far anyways... '' Gajeel went on.
'' If it's a, spell, at least, it's not dark magic... '' Rogue said'' I tried to get through it, but there' s a barrier I can't   pass, even as a Shadow. ''
'' Eric, you said you saw a big, white Mansion, and a garden surrounding it, right? '' Laxus asked again.
'' Right, I'm absolutely sure of what I saw. '' he answered.
They looked around for a few minutes, observing the cabin, and the woods surrounding it. Gray watched the door intensely, like trying to pierce its secrets...
'' Let me try something... '' he said, then, closing his hands together said '' Ice make Key''... And an ice key appeared, with a  strange light purple shine, rather than the silver bluish ice shade. It was made of Ice Demon Slayer ice, unbreakable. Then, Gray went to the door, calmly.
'' Let me try something... Who knows?... '' he said, putting the shining ice key, in the lock of the door, and... Turning slowly, suddenly like mist, the cabin disappeared into thin air and instead, they found themselves in front of a large Mansion, with a beautiful, wide garden, spread all around. And on the other side of the house, they could hear the crushing of the sea. There it was, the spot! The hiding place, and their mates were there, in that huge Mansion.
'' Well done man! '' Gajeel whispered, giving his friend a tap on his shoulder. They all grinned,feeling this moment, the pleasure of hunting and chasing their preys. Their animal instincts were leading them now,and they savoured the anticipation of getting hold of their mates.
They walked silently, through the garden, hiding while they got closer to the house. They could hear the girls' voices from inside the house.
Mira and Kinana were laughing together, while trying the new cookies they just prepared. Laxus and Eric were standing like struck, hearing the voices of their respective mates.
On the other side, in the living room, other voices were lively speaking and laughing together, Lucy and Levy, with Juvia, were teasing each other, each one hiding behind one pillow, of her favourite colour.
Natsu, Gray and Gajeel, listened, behind the wall, near the window, like hypnotised by their voices. They've been craving them so badly... Natsu was literally burning inside, and both his two comrades were feeling the same craving, Gray's eyes burned with a purple fire inside, and a dark aura emanted from him. Gajeel   looked like a fever was making him shake,when he heard Levy's sweet voice.
Sting and Rogue, stayed next to Laxus, waiting the right moment, and listening carefully for their mates to show...
Then they heard Yukino and Mirajane, joined the other girls in the living room. Each girl was sitting with her favourite pillow,talking about their boyfriends, and how much they missed them. Lucy was holding a pink pillow, sitting next to Levy, her head resting on her friend's shoulder, while Levy held a pale orange pillow on her lap. They both looked sad, melancholic. Juvia, resting her head on a pillow, same pale blue as her long wavy hair, sighted loudly, whispered '' Gray... '' softly, and he could hear it. A soft smile lit the young Ice Demon Slayer's face... He longed so much for his Juvia. Yukino held a silver pillow, buring her face in it, while Kagura and Mira, sitting next, held each their purple, and dark pink ones, seemingly bored, and worried.
'' Why do they look so sad? '' Natsu asked.
'' Well, I 'd say we weren't the only ones to miss our loves...' 'Sting added with a cheeky grin.
''I hope they aren't scared... '' added Rogue, watching intensely at Kagura.
After a few minutes, watching the girls from outside, they heard steps coming from the house, the noise of metal and boots, and soon Erza appeared, followed by Jellal.
'' we have inspected the house, and we are going to give a look around in the gardens. '' she stated.
'' Sure, as you wish, enjoy your little stroll... '' Lucy smiled a bit sarcastically.
''We're just doing our duty, our mission is to watch over you girls!''
'' Well, at least you have your boyfriend with you..'' . Said Mira.

Erza blushed, but backed off, and just turned to the door, making a sign to Jellal to follow her.

'' Titania is coming, be ready guys... '' Laxus whispered...
They saw the pair exiting the house, and going down a path on the left side.
'' Shall we get in now? Sting asked.
'' No, they'll be back soon. I wish we could avoid to fight. Even if Titania and Jellal are strong, it might be dangerous, because we can't measure our actual powers now... I don't want to hurt anyone. But we must get them out of our way. '' Laxus explained his plan.
They all turned around the house on the opposite side, looking for a back door, and soon they found and entrance, leading also down to the training room,and the pool. They all sneaked inside silently, with the exception of Natsu and Gajeel.
When they heard Erza's voice coming closer, Natsu lit a small tree nearby, letting the smoke lead the two guards towards them.
'' Where this fire came from..? That can't be..? Jellal! '' she was going to shout but iron ropes, out of nowhere twisted like snakes around her and Jellal, tightly keeping both of them together,so close, that their faces could touch. Erza tried to re equip, but this magic iron seemed to block her own powers.
'' They got us in a trap! Damn it! How could I be so neglecting and overconfident! '' Erza fumed inside!
'' It's my fault too, I suppose I should have anticipated something like this '' Jellal said. They both blushed, because it was the first time they were so close physically, even if the timing wasn't ideal. It was a bit embarrassing but exciting, they had to find a way to detangle themselves.

But, the Slayers were now in the house! The wolves were inside...
'' And now guys, each for himself, and his mate, good Luck, and be careful... We musn't hurt them!
Laxus said before they all went in separate ways in the house, waiting for their mates.
'' Catch your girl! '' they all roared together!

End of chapter 4. Next chapter coming soon, keep up!

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