5. Mating, NALU

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After just moments, Natsu and Happy, always close to him, sneaked into a room next to the one that smelled like Lucy's. It was one of the empty rooms, and it communicated to the same bathroom, so it was easy for Natsu to sneak into Lucy's room.
Meanwhile, downstairs, the girls started to leave the room, and go, each looking for something to do, to keep busy... Levy was the first to get up, saying she'll go to the library upstairs, and later in her own bedroom.

Lucy followed right after her friend, saying she was going to take a hot bath, and some rest.
She felt a strange tension in the air. Something inside her, instinctively, was alert, awake. She couldn't stop thinking about her Fire Dragon Slayer. She missed her sweet, adorably dumb, hot-headed boyfriend. She had a crush on him since ever, and knowing that she was supposed to be his mate, made her long for him. But she was a little scared... What if now he wasn't himself anymore... But some wild beast? What if he wanted to hurt her? No! Natsu would never do anything bad to her!
She got into her beautiful, pale pink and cream bedroom, with velvet curtains and satin sheets, and pillows, along with pink velvet pillows on the small sofas facing the bed, near her dressing room. Slowly, she got to her bathroom, where all the towels were pale pink, embroidered with white flowers and pink ribbons. She took her bath salts and bathing lotion, who smelled of Strawberry and Vanilla, and she sunk into the large marble tub, full of bubble and hot water. Closing her eyes she tried to empty her mind, and relax. She enjoyed the beautiful, Palace like, luxurious bathroom, with a large mirror,in a gold antique frame,the candlesticks, on the white marble shelf, where other small mirrors, brushes, and bottles of perfumes were arranged.
After a long moment, she got out of the tub and reached for a large, warm towel, and draped herself in it. She let her long blonde hair down, and stepped slowly out of the bathroom, in the dim light of the late afternoon.
Suddenly, she felt like someone was there, watching her. She turned swiftly around, and found herself face to face with Natsu! He had scales grown on his face, his Pink hair seemed longer and wilder than ever, and she could feel the heat exuding from his body.
'' Natsu..? '' she asked, with a trembling voice, where fear was mixed with longing and desire.
'' Yes Luce'... You can't escape from me... Why did you left me? '' he asked with a sad, childlike voice. '' I 'd never do you any harm! They all went crazy at the guild, kept us in cages but we managed to escape and... Oh I want you so much Luce, please, don't reject me...' 'Natsu feverishly spoke getting closer to her, until he held her strongly in his arms.
She was crying, of joy and overwhelming love.
' 'I know... I know, I' m not afraid, I am your mate Natsu, as I 've always been your friend too. I' ll never leave you. '' their lips locked for a long kiss, while he kept her close in his arms. Then kissing her slowly on her neck, he playfully pulled away her long hair, and, on a spot behind, at the base if her neck, he bite her slightly but enough to leave the mark of his fangs. She gasped for a second but his kisses already erased the pain, and she felt ready to surrender into his arms, while he slowly layed her down on the bed.
A few hours later

Lucy woke up, still in Natsu's arms. He was still deeply asleep, exhausted.
The scales had disappeared from his face, and he slept peacefully like a child. She smiled, tenderly, and got out the bed, to the mirror near her dressing room. When she looked at the mark, almost behind her right ear, she saw the most wonderful tattoo she could have wished for. A golden star was surrounded by flames, forming a heart. She was so proud, and so glad!
She wondered what was happening to the other girls around the Mansion. She couldn't wait to see Levy chan, and compare their marks, and tell each other their... First time.

Here is my version of Lucy's mark

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Here is my version of Lucy's mark. All rights reserved, please ask if you want to borrow and credit my work. Thanks.

End of the 5th chapter. The first mating was  Nalu. Natsu and Lucy, ❤️🔥🌟 I hope you enjoy it.
Now let's see in the next chapters what's going on, meanwhile... Keep reading!

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