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I wait outside the house, looking up at her window until I see her light go out. The rain is still falling on me, but it's less heavy than before.

After making sure that Katie is ok, I don't like the idea of her home alone but there's not a lot else that I can do.

Sighing, I clench my jaw, I could really do with a drink. I turn on my heels and walk towards the bar, there are lights on as the storm clouds have darkened the day.

When I walk in, I find Adrian hunched over two or three empty bottle of scotch. I swallow and walk over to him. My heavy footsteps make him look up at me, his eyes are bloodshot and tearful.

"Hey man," I venture as I pull up a seat next to him, "you alright."

"My-" he sighs heavily and pauses, "I can't see my daughter."

"Daughter?" I exclaim in surprise, then tightly shut my mouth- this isn't about me.

"Why, why can't you see her?"

"Cos I'm a fucking idiot." He curses bitterly, taking another swig of his scotch.

"My wife, she told me I had to change but... but I didn't. Now she's gone and she took my girl with her."

I sigh and nod to the prospect to get me a drink to go along with this conversation.

"Why don't you reach out to her?" I attempt, I'll admit I feel completely out of my depth here. I'm nineteen, I don't know about wives and babies, but I'll do my best.

"She doesn't want to hear from me."

"How do you know?"

"Because I was a fucking asshole!" He explodes, I can feel the self loathing foaming off him.

"Look man, I don't know.... But it's worth a shot, isn't it?"

Adrian pauses for a moment but then shakes his head in defeat.

"She won't take me back man. It's my fault, I've blown it."

"Look, all you can do is try. And if it doesn't work I'll be here to drink with you."

Adrian takes another drink and heavily stands from the stool. He walks out of the bar and stands outside on the porch.

I turn my attention back to the entertainer spinning her tantalisingly long legs around the pole. The majority of the club are already in here as the early evening sets in, only the president and his second in command are missing.

After a few more songs and several winks from the pole dancer, Adrian re-emerges and I cautiously look at him.

He doesn't speak, he just grabs his cut from his seat and leaves.

Shit, maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut.

My phone buzzes, I pull it out of my pocket, yet another message from Eira asking me to come home. It's all very well and good her asking me now, but she stole my birthright, I never want to see her again.

"Hey handsome..." Red manicured fingers trail over my shoulders and a scantily clad woman places herself on my lap.

Leaning back, I lazily stretch and place my arms on her waist and thigh. She giggles and tickles her fingers over my chest. Man, I need a good fuck.

"Hey gorgeous," I tease, leaning in and nibbling her ear, "so what's your name?"


"Well Kourtney," I let my hand trail suggestively up her short skirt until my fingertips find lace, "wanna go someplace else?"



An hour or so later, I stumble back down the stairs and back into the bar. The prospect manning the bar smirks at me as I finish doing up my belt.

"Nice," he nods his head, "you got Kourtney on your first time, not bad."

I laugh and nod my head, taking my seat back at the bar, a shot of tequila already waiting.

After drink after drink, I can finally feel that satisfying buzz of alcohol and I'm ready to find Kourtney again, she's definitely better than any of the other club entertainment I've been with. She was insatiable.

Suddenly a hush falls on the bar as Adrian strides back into the bar, a pink bow on his hair and a small pink lipstick on his cheek.

"Hey man," he grins and sits back down next to me. When the prospect offers him a shot of something he shakes his head.

"So," I fight to stifle a laugh, "you saw your daughter then?"

"Yeah," he grins and nods his head proudly. "I got to spend some time with my girl."

"And your wife?" I ask carefully.

"Nah, she needs a little more time. I was a dick, but seeing her now..."

He trails off and shakes his head.

"I just wish I could take back my mistakes, you know. Family is everything and you should never throw that away."

I nod along silently as Adrian chugs down a glass of water.

"What's your daughter's name?"

He smiles and chuckles, "Her name is Grace."

"That's a nice name, and your wife?"

"My wife." Adrian sucks his teeth and shakes his head.

"I dunno Rogue, I think that's for another night."

"Ok," I laugh and hand my glass back to the prospect, "I'm going to go and find Kourtney again."

Adrian's head snaps up and he looks intently into my eyes.

"Rogue, take it from me, don't waste time on people like Kourtney. There are better things in the world."

As Adrian finishes his sentence with his hand sneaking up into his hair to find the pink bow I thought he didn't know about.

He cradles it in his hand and when he catches me staring he winks at me.

I walk towards the door but Adrian stops me. "Don't go to Kourtney, Rogue you'll regret it one day."

Hey my lovely readers,

Good news! I have a week's holiday so be prepared for lots of updates. I feel like you've all gone really quite so please give your favourite author ;) a bit of love xxx

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