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Rogue takes my hand and silently pulls me towards the back door.

"Where are we goin-"

Rogue presses a kiss to my lips, cutting off my words and making my stomach clench in delight.

"Rogue," I try again, "where are we goi-"

He cuts me off again with another hug making me huff in frustration. I give up on asking him and instead let him silently lead me to the back door.

He opens the door and looks over his shoulder at me with a playful smirk. He climbs over the fence and out of the compound. I watch him in disbelief and then look down at my own short, stubby legs. If he thinks I can get over that like he just did, he's going to be very disappointed.

"Come on then, Katie girl."

"I can'tttt," I reply with a whine and a pout and Rogue lifts his head over the fence to look at me.

He rolls his eyes playfully at me as I gesture to my legs, stating the obvious to him.

"Come on then, little Katie." He goads in an attempt to light enough fire in me to get over the fence. It's pointless, the laws of physics are against me.

Finally Rogue gives up on encouraging me and hops back over the fence with ease, as if he's rubbing it in my face.

I pout again and cross my arms, I don't know why but whenever I'm around Rogue I always feel like behaving like this, he doesn't seem to mind it that much.

"Sorry, I forgot how little your legs were." He advances towards me, places his arms around my waist and pulls me against him.

"They're not that little!" I protest, even though as I speak I'm having to tilt my neck to look up at him.

He raises an eyebrow and smiles ruefully. "Oh really? So you'll be just fine getting over the fence then."

He drops his hands from my waist and begins to walk slowly away from me, repeatedly looking over his shoulder at me. The jerk! He's playing with me.

"Wait!" I call and begin to follow after Rogue but I need not worry, as soon as I call out Rogue stops and holds his hand out behind him for me to take.

"Do you trust me?" He asks again as I take his large hand in mine.

"Of course." I reply instantly, giving his hand a little squeeze.

"Come here then." Rogue turns around to face me as I trustingly take a step towards him.

His hands go under my arms and he easily lifts me up by my armpits as I squeal making him laugh.

Carefully, he negotiates he fence enough for him to low me down to the other side of it as I cackle with laughter.

A few seconds later, Rogue springs over the fence and stares at me with a smile, his face lightly flushed with excitement.

We walk together silently for a few minutes through the forest until a sensible looking silver car appears and I can't help but break our peace.

"You drive that? Really? I thought biker's like you only ride your bike?"

"I do, this isn't mine."

"Oh?" I look up at him in confusion, did he steal this car?

"I borrowed it from a friend," he explains with a gentle, easy smile, "you're far too precious to have on the back of a bike."

"But, what if I wanted to?" I tease, truthfully I have no desire either way but things feels so easy with Rogue, and it's good fun to play with him.

"Let me rephrase it then," he continues as he opens the passenger side door for me, "you, my little Katie, are far too precious to have on the back of a bike without a helmet."

"Oh." I have no words for his declaration of affection, I expected a playful retort, or a dig about my height but then again Rogue seems to be full of surprises.

Luckily, Rogue doesn't push the matter any further as he gets into the driver seat and turns the engine on.

"Will you tell me where we are going now?" I push, looking over at him with a smile as he cruises onto a main roads lazily.

"Maybe, but it will ruin the surprise, do you want that, Katie girl?"

"Ummm... no I like surprises."

"I thought you would."

"What do you mean by that!" I exclaim, frowning at him as sternly as I can manage.

"Didn't mean anything by it," he protests but I can tell from his tone he's not really stressed, "you just seem like someone who would like surprises."

"Well... I guess that's true." I reluctantly admit which makes Rogue's lips burst into a wide smile.

The car pulls to a halt and I look around to see us in a forested area, but no sign of a restaurant or cafe.

I frown in puzzlement but Rogue keeps his mouth firmly shut, he's enjoying keeping me waiting.

Clambering out of the car, I stand and wait for further instructions as Rogue messes around in the boot of the car.

When he reappears and I see he has a picnic basket in his hand my face breaks into a smile. This is definitely the best kind of surprise.

"You like that sweetheart?" He questions with a smile as he holds his hand out for me once again, I take it eagerly and let him lead me to wherever he has planned.

It's only at this particular moment that I realise this will be my first ever date, I can't help but think how perfect this is.

"You ok, Katie girl?" He asks me gently as I bring myself back from the tunnels of my thoughts.

"I was just thinking about how this is my first date."

Rogue looks down at me with a glimmer of surprise on his face, only for it to change.

"I guessed as much, your dad doesn't give you much freedom, huh?"

"He's just protecting me!" I instantly rise to the defence of my father, but I know words are true.

My father intended to keep me safe, but instead it's made me afraid of the world. I don't know how to survive out there without him, and it's hard.

"I know, he is, but you still deserve to live, Katie."

We continue to walk through the trees, he helps me over the fallen trees and pulls me against him when a loose root catches my feet.

"You're right," I finally speak with a heavy sigh, "compared to you, or my friends I feel like I haven't lived at all, not really, not yet."

Rogue purses his lips together as I speak, but he doesn't talk himself, it's like he's observing what I'm saying.

"It's not his fault, he can't help it. He lost my mother giving birth to me." I explain, my voice soft with secrets.

"I'm sorry," Rogue squeezes my hand tightly.

"It's ok," I shrug, it's impossible to miss someone you never knew, something you never had.

"Well, I'm honoured to be your first date, and I hope it reaches your expectations." He bops my nose playfully and I scrunch my nose up at him.

"And if I don't, tell me what I can do better."

"Well..." I tease as Rogue presses me up against a tree, "there is one thing I could think of..."

I trail off as Rogue bends down until his lips are hovering just above mine, but he doesn't move to touch them. He's teasing me, damn him.

"Katie, sweetheart, tell me what you want to make it better, otherwise I can't help you."

"I- I uh, I want you to..."

"Yes?" Rogue prompts, stroking a finger down my cheek gently.

"I want you to kiss me." I exhale shakily as the mirth in Rogue's eyes grows.

"Now, sweetheart, was that really so hard?"

MC's Viking Warriors- Rogue #5 Where stories live. Discover now