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Katie is curled up beside me on my bed, sound asleep but still tense. Sighing heavily, I stroke up and down her back with my fingertips.

I'm meant to be sleeping as well, my mother gave me strict orders to rest, but I can't. Instead I stare down at Katie, watching her eyelashes flutter as she dreams. And to be there to hold her when a bad dream comes.

When the door opens, I protectively pull Katie into my arms on instinct.

"Hey Lee," my mother smiles as she quietly walks in, "you're meant to be sleeping."

"I know," I murmur, lifting Katie onto my chest where she sighs and snuggles down, "but I can't sleep right now."

My mother nods and perches herself on the foot of the bed. Her eyes scan over my battered face and chest and she frowns.

"Did they do that to you?" She asks, meaning the kidnappers.

"No," I shake my head subtly without disturbing Katie, "her father did it."

My mother's face falls and she moves up the bed, her hand outstretched to touch my cheek. I catch her hand in mine and press her palm to my skin.

"Why?" Her voice is heavy with tears and distress, "he is incredibly controlling of his daughter, and he caught me with her."

"I'm guessing he gave Katie that black eye too?" My mother says scornfully as she stares at the large swelling on the side of Katie's face from where her dad's elbow slammed into her.

I suck my teeth and nod, stroking Katie's back as she shifts slightly in her sleep. My mother's keen eyes focus in on the movement and she beams.

"Ok, Lee, my boy." She squeezes my palm, "you've finally become the man I knew you would."

"Thank you, mum." I say softly, "for letting me find my own way, for calling me out on my bullshit and not letting me continue being a fucking asshole."

"I see your language hasn't improved," she chuckles, "just like your father."

We both smile, mine mimicking my mother's before the moment is broken by her heavy sigh.

"I came to talk to you about Katie."

My arms instantly tighten around her, I won't let her father get her again.

"She's not leaving." I state firmly and my mother just smiles, sympathetic.

"No, she's not. We reached out to her father to tell him she was safe, and where she was."

My mother pauses and her eyes stream over as she looks at Katie.

"And he replied that she could stay where she was for all he cared. And if she ever entered his territory, he would view it as an attack."


My heart instantly aches for my poor Katie, how this will hurt her, and it's all my fault.

"He's disowned her." My voice is croaky with emotion but I quickly wipe it away when I feel Katie stirring.

My mother notices it too and quickly stands from the bed.

"Talk to her, Lee. I'll have food brought up to you in an hour or so."

I nod and murmur my thanks, watching as Katie groans and rolls off my chest. Her eyes open slightly, like she's testing to see if it was all a dream. As soon as she sees my face, she opens them properly and gives me a beautiful smile.

"Hey, Katie girl." I smile and trail my fingertips over her back. "How'd you sleep?"

"Ok." She grumbles before snuggling into my side, hiding her face in my neck.

I chuckle at her antics, forgetting for a moment about what I have to tell her, but I remember soon enough.

"Katie girl?" I clear my throat and stare up at the ceiling as I wait for her to re-emerge.

"What's wrong, Lee?" She asks, immediately picking up on my tone.

Katie sits up, leaning on her elbow as she stares up at me. A frown persists on her lips so I lean down and kiss her gently.

"We reached out to your father," I begin and Katie tenses.

"I'm not going back." Her voice is full of conviction and determination, it makes me love her even more.

"You don't have to, but Katie you have to know. Your father said that you could never return to his territory."

"Never?" Her lips pursed in confusion but I can see the hurt in her eyes.

"He said it would be seen as an attack."

Katie's eyes fill with tears as I pull her against my chest, she begins to weep quietly. The weight of the last few days and now finally this proving to be too much for her.

"You'll always have a home here," I reassure as I hold her in my arms.

"I know it's not much of a consolation..."

"No, it is." Katie looks at me, red noses and cheeks studded with tears, "it is Liam."

I nod my head, wishing I could give her more than just my promise. It's hard because I'm as powerless to the events as Katie is, but I still feel like I should do more.

"Do you think I'll ever see him again?" Katie murmurs softly as I stand from the bed, pulling on a T-shirt to hide my bruised chest.

"I don't know, Katie girl. I wish I did but I don't."

"I'll always have you though, won't I?"

"Yes, beautiful." I lean over the bed and kiss her again, just a gentle as last time.

"You will always have me."

MC's Viking Warriors- Rogue #5 Where stories live. Discover now