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Since that night with Liam, I have practically been floating on air. My dad has kept Liam busy so we haven't been able to see each other but we text and call whenever we can.

"You have fun with the boys," I smile as I hear Liam's nervous laugh down the phone.

Adrian has been begging Liam to go out for a drink with him, but he's been blowing him off to spend time with me. But tonight, he's hanging out with his friends and I'm having a movie marathon, on my own.

My dad and I have improved to quipped comments here and there but nothing more. The words we spoke, or rather the words he didn't say, have done irreparable damage to our relationship.

"I'll call you when I get back to my room." Liam promises making me chuckle softly.

"Ok baby."

"I love you." Liam calls down the phone making me smile, making my heart skip a beat.

"I love you too." I reply before hanging up the phone and pressing play on my film.


I'm five drinks in and I'm already bored. Sure it's nice to see Adrian, but I'm not exactly mates with anyone else, honestly I'd rather be curled up with Katie watching a Disney film.

"Drink Rogue?" Adrian offers, already handing me another glass before I can reply.

"Sure." I chuckle taking a swig of it, enjoying the burn.

I place it on the table in front of me and look at the pictures Adrian is showing me of his little girl. It seems him and the missis had a break through a few days ago because Adrian will soon be allowed to have her for nights- provided he gets his own place.

"Shit!" I curse as Courtney slams into me, practically knocking my glass over as she tipsily bumps into the bar.

"Whoops." She giggles, twirling a strand of hair around a finger, "hi Rogue."

"Get lost." I growl, not even looking at her as I pick up my glass and continue to drink it.

Courtney whines and pouts but to both mine and Adrian's surprise she gives up and walks away.

"Phew." Adrian chuckles, "I guess our prayers worked and she finally got the message."

"Yeah." I grin and chink glasses with him before downing the whole glass.

Maybe this night won't end up being too fucking shitty away from Katie.


I wake up early, earlier than normal. Last night Liam didn't call when he got back, I just assumed he was drunk and forgot, but it's the morning now and he still hasn't messaged me, let alone called.

Checking my clock, I see it's only 6am and everyone will still be asleep. I decide without hesitation that today I'm going to
sneak into Liam's room and not the reverse.

I dress simply, a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a matching hoody then I creep down stairs.

My father's snores echo through the house as I tie the laces on my trainers before silently closing the door behind me.

The early morning dew clings to the gravel which crunches under foot as I walk into the club house.

Liam told me what number his room was and I can still remember it, second floor room 6.

The bar is empty but stinks of alcohol and makes my nose wrinkle as I walk through it. I manage to find a stairway which leads upstairs and I take it on my tiptoes.

Luckily for me, the room numbers are on the doors and I quickly find number 6. I don't knock, I want to surprise Liam by climbing into bed with him so he can wake up to me.

As soon as I push open the door my stomach drops. Clothes are strewn all over the floor and not just Liam's. A bra is hanging over the desk chair and my stomach lurches with disgust.

I finally pull my eyes to the bed and see Liam laying on his stomach, naked, with a blonde woman sleeping beside him, also naked.

"Lee." I choke out as I stare at them in disbelief.

The noise wakes Liam and he lifts his head in groggy confusion. As soon as he sees me his face lights up which makes it all even worse.

Once he's read my expression, he sits up and looks around, as soon as he sees the naked woman, his face falls even further.

He doesn't remember.

He threw away our relationship for a night he can't even remember!

"Katie wait!" Liam calls out as I turn on my heels and storm out, slamming the door behind me.


"Katie!" I shout out again as I drag my body off the bed but my legs give out under me and I collapse to the floor.

The door is thrown open and Adrian stands there looking from me to Courtney in disgust.

"Oh Rogue," he begins, shutting the door behind him, "what have you done."

My stomach rolls and I'm violently sick down myself as I groan and my head begins to spin.

Adrian curses and kneels before me, his eyes scanning my face with concern. He clutches me neck and lays me in the recovery position but the world is still spinning around me.

"I-I don't remember anything." I choke out and the words don't sound like mine, they're miles away and from someone else.

Then I'm sick again.

"Rogue." Adrian tries again, "I need you to look at me."

I do as he says and stare up at him, my eyes unable to focus no matter how many times I blink them.

"Shit." Adrian curses and then the door opens again but I don't see who stands there.

"Someone get the car ready to take Rogue to the hospital, and someone detain Courtney."

"Why?" The voice is muffled as my head screams and rocks.

"Look at his pupils, they're dilated as fuck. She's drugged him."

MC's Viking Warriors- Rogue #5 Where stories live. Discover now