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Somehow my life has reached the point where I'm lying in bed with a beautiful little nymphet next to me and not only are we both fully clothed, we are watching Frozen.

Katie is sitting beside me, keeping her distance as if she's afraid of what might happen if our arms brush. Mind you, looking at her father, I'm not sure how much experience she even has with boys- let alone one like me.

Her beautiful giggles fill my ears as the talking fucking snowman makes some form of tame and childish joke.

"Are you ok Rogue?" Her little voice peeps up from slightly lower than my head. I smile subtly at the size difference and how much it turns me on as I turn my head to look down at her.

Her big eyes blink up at me with nerves and anxiety as she bites her lip with insecurity. I realise in this moment that her watching Disney films with me is an intimate thing, a private and potentially embarrassing thing, and I've been sitting like a stony faced bastard for the last half an hour.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sigh deeply as she lifts her head down and looks up at me even more intently. "Are you ok, little Katie?"

I watch in mirth and glee as her little face blushes briefly before she shakes her head and turns away.

"Don't call me that."

"Why not? You're little and your name is Katie. I see no problem in the name."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes adorably as she attempts to give me a bad look to tell me of her displeasure. What she doesn't realise is that her every attempt to look bad tempered makes her even more adorable and even more tempting.

"I'm not that little." She huffs and pouts, it takes every ounce of my limited self control not to kiss those plump lips.

"You are pretty little, little Katie." I tease as I through an arm behind my head as Katie scowls at me. When she attempts to get off the bed in a playful flounce, I dart forwards and grab her by her little waist and pull her back down.

She lets out a squeal before her eyes dart in fear at the prospect of waking up her father. We both fall silent as we listen for the sound of movement downstairs. Once we're sure nothing has changed we settle back down to watching the film with only one minor change, my arm is still wrapped around her waist.

When the credits for the film start, I reach over and shut the lid of the laptop to turn off the music. Even though the film is no longer playing, neither of us move. Katie has settled down to resting her head on my chest, I only hope she can't hear how hard and fast my heart is thudding beneath her chubby cheek.

I've never felt nerves like this before. I'm a fucking biker, I've spent the last two years drunk and balls deep in as many girls as I wanted... and yet here I am watching Disney films curled up on the bed of a girl who's father would kill me just for being in here. But I know it's worth the risk.

"Katie?" I murmur and she hums sleepily against my body.

"I should probably go, if your dad catches me he'll kill me."

"Hmmmm..." she hums again and I glance down at her. She's so close to sleep that her breathing has slowed down and her eyes are peacefully relaxed.

I sigh and decide to wait a few minutes before moving her, she's not deep enough sleep for me to leave without her knowing.

Leaning over, I find a fluffy blanket on the floor and I lift it up to cover her sleepy form. She's still not well, I can tell from her snuffled breathing that she's got a blocked nose- I need to keep her warm.

My thoughts drift away in my mind and before I know it I'm being shaken awake by a panic stricken Katie. Then I hear the knocking at the door.

"Shit." I whisper and my eyes dart around the room looking for a place to hide. I jump in surprise as I see daylight streaming through the curtains.

MC's Viking Warriors- Rogue #5 Where stories live. Discover now