Chapter 5: Sea Monster!!!

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Amber woke up and stretched from her bed. She noticed Alberto gone and her bed was wet with water. She thought that was odd so she decided to ask her friends where Alberto went. She walked onto the ship and saw Sofia and James practicing sword fighting. "Good morning Amber! Where's Alberto?" Sofia asked. "That's what I was gonna ask you Sofia. Have you or the others seen him?" Amber asked her sister. "No I haven't." Sofia said. Suddenly storm clouds started to pile in the sky. Santiago and Jake came on the ship. "Looks like there's going to be a big storm. Better hunker down Bucky and your ship, Santiago." Jake said. Santiago nodded. Sofia and James helped them as Amber wandered to look for Alberto. The wind started picking up and Amber stood her ground. She held onto a palm tree as the wind started getting heavier. Lightning and thunder were occurring with heavy wind and gusty winds. Sofia and her family were calling out for Amber but Amber couldn't hear them. Amber was worried about Alberto as she kept holding on to the tree. She didn't want him to get lost in this storm. Just then, Amber's necklace broke from her neck and landed in the sand. She got down and searched through the sand for it. But as she was looking she felt a wet webbed hand on hers. She looked up and screamed.

Sofia met with the others. "Have you guys found Amber yet? I haven't seen her. I hope she's okay," Sofia stammered. "We've checked everywhere and no sign of her," Santiago said. Suddenly they heard screams. "That sounds like Amber, come on!" James said as the others ran with him. They went to where they heard Amber's screams and didn't see her. The group looked perplexed. "I could've sworn I heard her," James said. "Look!" Sofia said as she picked up Amber's necklace Alberto made for her. Footprints and a tail tracked through the sand into the water. "I think Amber's been taken!" Sofia said with a worried expression on her face. The storm was getting worse. "The storm is not hopeful so we can probably find her tomorrow. We'll check the ships and see if she's there," Jake said as he Santiago and James went to check the ships. Sofia followed them and sighed.

The Princess and the Sea Monster: A Luca/Sofia the First fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now