Where is my phone?

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Chris's POV

After hanging up with Officer Matthews, I ran straight out of the house and drove to Candler Hospital, calling Jim on the way to advise him that Abby was in the hospital. I parked my car, not even caring if it was locked or anything. None of that mattered right now. I had to get to Abby. "I'm looking for my fiancé, Abigail Thompson. Do you know where she is?" I asked the receptionist and she asked me why she was brought in, and as I was about to lose my shit I saw a policeman coming towards the front reception. "Are you Mr. Miller?" He asked me. "Yeah, that's me. Please tell me you know where my fiancé is?" He nodded, and just as soon as he did, Jim came in, shouting my name and asking what happened, but before I could answer, the officer escorted us away from the reception area into a small room and told us everything.

"Abigail was involved in a hit and run accident tonight. Witnesses said that the vehicle was driving normally and then, all of a sudden, there was a loud screech from the tyres. That is what drew their attention to what was about to happen. They saw the car heading towards her and advised that she didn't even turn around to look as she was loading the groceries into the car. The car hit her, reversed and the suspect drove away. Witnesses said it was a female driver and no one else was in the car, but there was no clear description as to what the suspect looked like. " I knew exactly who it was. "Her name is Beth!" I said it out loud, knowing that there were going to be so many questions about it after this. "Well, Abby met her at my parents house on Christmas Eve and, well, things didn't have a happy ending for Beth as she was told to leave." I saw the officer looking at me and nodding for me to keep going, so I did. "I had known her for a few years and we only ever saw each other around the holidays, so we would hook up every year unless I was in a relationship and I didn't show up. Anyway, Beth didn't seem to like the idea of me having Abby there with me and began to try and worm her way back into getting me back to be hers. One thing led to another. I yelled and words were exchanged between my mom and Abby with Beth and then Beth's mom showed up and they were told never to come back or anywhere near us more or less. We were in LA not too long ago and I had a meeting with a few people, which she showed up to, and to start with, I thought she was with them, but after she made a pass at me and tried to touch me, I cancelled the meeting and left the room, rescheduled it, and when Abby picked me up, I told her what had happened." I stopped and looked at Jim's face, seeing a hint of pride that Abby took Beth on the way she did. I took a breath and continued. "Up until tonight we hadn't seen her. Abby had called me while she was out to tell me she had seen her. I told her to avoid her or to just come home. That's when she told me that she was on her way over to her, then she said she loved me and she'd be home soon." I should have gone with her and I hate myself now for not going with her.

We had been escorted from the room we were in up to the room that Abby was in, and the minute I saw her, my heart was crushed seeing her with all those cuts and bruises that were forming on her too. The doctor had explained that there was some internal bleeding that they had fixed and that she would be awake soon as she was still asleep from the anaesthesia. We left the room and went to the waiting room to wait for her to wake up; the doctors wanted us to see her first so we could recover from the shock of what had happened and so we wouldn't upset her further when she awoke in the hospital; they didn't want her to panic because she might be in shock once she awoke. I went and got me and Jim a coffee each whilst we waited. Just then, the doctor came out of the room and said that she was awake and ready for visitors and that he would advise the police that she was awake so they could get a statement from her.

"Chris?" She asked as soon as I stepped into the room. "I'm here, baby. How do you feel?" I said as I sat next to her and took her hand in mine. "Sore. Sorry about dinner." She told me, and she began to tear up. "It's alright, baby. I'm just glad you're alright." I kissed her forehead and stroked her cheek with my thumb. "Sweetheart, are you alright?" Jim asked her. She nodded and tried to move to sit up a little more but winced in pain, so I helped her up in the bed and fixed the pillows so she would be more comfortable, and then there was a knock at the door. In walked Officer Matthews, looking for Abby's statement of what happened. He introduced himself to Abby and advised her as to why he was here and what had happened, and then asked her to explain, in her own words, what had happened. After telling him everything that had happened in the store that none of us knew, it looked like Abby had seen a ghost. She went chalk white. "Where is my phone?" She asked in a panic, and Officer Matthews reached into his pocket and handed her her phone. "I recorded our conversation after I ended the call with Chris." I immediately sat up from the way I had been sitting and began to listen as she played the recording. It was a video, but it was the easiest thing for her to do at the time, and I was so proud of her for being so strong in dealing with Beth and everything in general.

Once the video had ended, Abby looked at me and smiled, seeing me beaming at her with pride that she had taken a video as evidence against Beth and basically her being threatened by her too. Office Matthews asked for a copy of the video to be sent to him so he could keep it as evidence in the case. "Of course I'll send it to you now." Abby told him, and he got up and thanked everyone for their cooperation in the investigation and said that he would be in touch, then left. "Well, I knew she was crazy, but I didn't expect her to stoop to this level. What the hell is her endgame in all of this apart from wanting you?" Abby sighed after her little rant, for which I don't blame her, and she was right on the money with the question, and I wanted to know the same thing too. "I don't know baby, but she never had me before and she'll never have me now or in the future because you are my future, not her." I told her and grabbed her hand again. Just as I did, my mom, dad, and Jo came bursting through the door and we took our time and explained everything to them. After everything was said, we all just tried to relax, knowing Abby was safe and on the mend already. All we wanted was to get her out of the hospital and back home.

The next day, the doctor came by to check on how Abby was doing, but she was still asleep, and I had just woken up. To be fair, they had started rounds early today, but if Abby was good enough to go home, then we could sleep at home, and if not, then we could go back to sleep anyway. It was only 7am, anyway. "I'll wake her doc, it's alright." I told him as I began to nudge Abby to wake up, and she did. "Five more minutes, Chris. It's too early for sex." I laughed. Thankfully, her sense of humour was still there and, thank God, even the doctor laughed, which alerted Abby to someone else's presence in the room. "I forgot we were in the hospital. Sorry." She said this whilst sitting up to speak with the doctor. "Well, how are we feeling today, Ms. Thompson?" Well, she had just woken up, but I was awaiting a smart ass remark from her. "I feel fine just now, just a little sore, but I guess that's normal considering everything that happened. How long until I can go home?" I'm glad she asked before I did, but I think we both just wanted out of here. Neither of us liked hospitals that had too many sad memories of loved ones and their last moments, especially this one. "Well, due to the nature of the accident, we want to make sure you are still able to function properly, so we want to make sure that you can do things like walking, bending over to pick things up, and any other daily movements before we let you go home. As long as one of the residents signs off on it, we could possibly be letting you go today. So, while I finish my rounds, why don't you get ready? I'll return with one of them and we'll see how you do. How does that sound?" I could see the happiness in her face at the thought of going home, so she was jumping at the chance. "Yeah, that sounds fine." She said, and the doctor nodded and left the room. Abby got out of bed perfectly fine and began to get ready, but she locked the door of the room we were in because she loved her privacy and stripped and headed to the shower room to clean up. Thankfully, I brought us both a change of clothes, so I stripped and joined her only to help her, as I knew there would be blood that she wouldn't reach, so I went in to help platonically. No sexy vibes allowed, not yet.

We spent at least half an hour in the shower making sure she was fully cleansed of the dried blood on her body and then washed up and then just stood there holding each other and I thanked whoever was listening that she was alive and safe in my arms right now. "We better get out and get dressed before they come back to check on you." I told her, and she hummed agreeably with my suggestions. She started to shiver at the loss of the heat from my body as I moved to grab towels for us to dry off with, and she shut the water off. "Thank you, Chris. For everything, being by my side right now means a lot to me. I love you so much." I grab her hand and pull her towards me and kiss her with so much desire and need for her touch more than anything else. "I love you, Abby. You don't ever have to thank me for being here for you. That's what I meant to do because I'm your fiancé and even if I wasn't, I still would be because, aside from that, you are my best friend as well." She squeezes her arms around my waist tightly like she never wants to let go, and to be honest, I kind of don't want her to. It feels nice having her wrapped around me like this and I'm never letting her out of my sight again, not while Beth is still out there and a threat to her safety.

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