I love coming here.

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Waking up this morning was sore, but after last night through to the early hours of the morning, I expected nothing less. When I turned to cuddle up with Chris, he wasn't there, but the room was silent. I got out of bed and wrapped the sheet around my body just in case someone walked in while I was heading to the bathroom to check if he was in there or not, which he wasn't. I heard laughter outside, so I headed over to the window and was shocked to see Chris already outside playing with his young cousins in the pool. I couldn't help but smile at this, knowing that someday it would be him and his child in the pool having fun.

I finally left the window to go and shower and get ready, checking the time, as I had to head to planned parenthood soon to get my implant out and the nerves were already kicking in, but only because they had to cut into my skin to remove it, which made me not want to do it, but I knew it was for the best when it came to us trying for a baby.

I threw on my casual day-to-day clothes, thankful for not having to wear a gown for a little while. It was a jeans kind of day today. I grabbed my underwear and put them on when I heard the door opening and I jumped a little when I heard Chris speak. "Good morning, gorgeous." He said to me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Good morning, baby." I replied as I turned to face him. "Can you get ready, please? We need to leave for my appointment soon." A quick kiss and he headed in for a shower.

We headed down to the kitchen when the smell of bacon and sausage was apparent from the top of the stairs again. I knew that Chris would be hungry because he was always hungry and, after last night, I was starving. We grabbed a plate and helped ourselves to food from everything that was sitting out. "I love coming here." I told Chris as he sat across from me. "Why's that?" He raised a brow at me questioningly. Well, your mom always has food ready when we get up and the pool on hot days like this is just a blessing in disguise. But the best part is that it just feels like a second home. It feels like family." I smile as Chris takes my hand and kisses it. "That's because it's family for you. You know, my mom and dad love you. Just because you don't have my last name YET doesn't mean that they don't think of you as their daughter-in-law already. Then again, they've always loved you." I smiled as Chris stood up, taking the empty plates from the table back into the kitchen.

We grabbed things we would need for the day and then headed out, telling Andy and Kathleen that we would be back later as I had an appointment to get to soon. I grabbed my keys from my pocket before telling Chris I'd get the car out of the garage and that I'd get him out front. I opened all the windows, knowing that it was yet another hot one today. It was only right to get that breeze while driving. I put music on while waiting, as I was skipping through songs when I got to an upbeat one, so I started moving around the seat, having a little dance party for one, as I was starting to get bored waiting. "Sorry, baby. Let's go. Unless you want to give the whole house a show with your dancing." He laughed as I hit his shoulder for making fun of me as he copied my dancing.

We arrived at Planned Parenthood and went inside. We didn't wait long at all before I was called in. I told the nurse that took me that I had had the implant for nearly a year and that I wanted it out now because we were going to start trying for a baby and she congratulated us on being ready to start trying. She advised me of all of the things that would start happening again when she removed it; that my arm may be tender, bruised and/or swollen. She also told me that my period would go back to normal as well, but it had been so long that I forgot what a normal period was like, but I wasn't looking forward to getting cramps again, that's for sure.

After having it removed, Chris and I decided to head to the nearest store, which was Walgreens, as we wanted to know things like ovulation kits, but only for the first month, just to see what the nurse was talking about when she told us to try one, but she also told me to get pregnancy tests for at home so that I always had one handy, so that's exactly what we were going to do.

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