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With the weeks getting on, Chris was taking photographs of the progress each week, with a different item each week to show the size of our little bean and has been since we found out that we were pregnant.

I was now twelve weeks pregnant and we had just taken a picture of me holding a plum in front of my stomach. "I can't believe how quickly this is going, especially with the wedding only two weeks away now." I grinned as I sat the plum on the kitchen counter and pulled at Chris's belt and pulled him closer to me. "I know and just think we'll get to go and see this one tomorrow!" I said, taking his hand and placing it on my stomach as we both smiled at each other happily.

My phone, which was sitting on the counter, started to vibrate. It was Sarah. "Hey Mama, how are we today?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just about in the middle of lunch. You?" I asked her. "Yeah, all good. So I've just rechecked all the trip details for our trip to New Orleans on Saturday. So we are all meeting at the airport and then we will meet up with Alex and Amanda in New Orleans. I honestly can't wait for this trip." We were both excited about this trip, but the best part was that Sarah knew all about the pregnancy.

I remember telling Sarah about the pregnancy and how happy she was. I was the first one in the group to have a baby. At one point, we all thought it would be Matt, way back when he and Hallie were dating a few years ago. Obviously not, as it was me. Anyway, back to what I was saying. Sarah was over the moon that she was going to be an auntie to our little bean and well, she had plenty of practice with her niece and nephew that her sister had, so she was going to be a big help if I needed it.

"I think everyone will be glad to get away together, even if it is just for a few days. I mean, Joe is on a constant vacation these days, so this won't change much except that we are there. We giggled as I heard the timer go off for the chicken I was cooking to go with our lunch. "That's the timer. I've gotta go, but I will see you on Saturday. See you soon." I said. Sarah said goodbye and hung up.

Chris and I cuddled up on the couch once he had finished work today and watched a movie while our dinner was cooking. Not that I was watching it because my mind was on how fast this year had gone and that we were pregnant and two weeks from the wedding. My brain just couldn't fathom all the stuff that had gone on this year as my head started to hurt and, as I began to rub my temples, it pulled Chris's attention from the movie. "Everything alright, baby?" He asked as I nodded. "Just a little headache, I'll be fine."

The next day, we were back at the OB/GYN's office for my twelve-week scan. We saw that everything was going well. She said that the baby was growing well and that she even saw fingers, so she pointed it out to us and it was the most amazing thing ever. The next appointment would be to find out the sex of our little bean and that would be in eight weeks time. I was glad about that because it meant the wedding and the honeymoon would be done by then too.

We headed out and Chris had made it a tradition now to go for lunch straight after we had been for a scan, which I was fine with because I don't eat before I go to my appointments just so we can see everything more clearly. "Where do you wanna go today, baby?" I thought about it for a minute as I tried to remember everything that was near where we were. "How about Culver's?" I asked him. I knew they did shrimp, but even though it was fried, I didn't care because that was what I wanted and the fact that they did frozen custard was a bonus. "Sounds good. I'll drive." He told me as he grabbed the keys from my hand.

Chris and I had been talking in the car after we had lunch about when to tell everyone and we knew that telling Chris's parents was first on the agenda since my dad had found out early. "So will we go now and tell them?" He asked me. "Yeah, I've brought their gifts with us. I even brought my dad's official one too." We laughed before Chris nodded and we set off to his mom and dad's house.

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