Lane and Olsen

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A helicopter lands smoothly in a US military base posted in the Arctic. Out of the chopper the very eager Lois Lane jumps out.

Captain Harding:
Ms. Lane! Welcome "outpost Omega!"

Happy to be here, Captain! Before you show us where our beds are, can you answer a few questions for me?

Captain Harding:
It's probably best if you save those questions for the General! He wanted to be the one that you interview.

Well I was kinda hoping that I'd get a second opinion early, before I talk to the General!

Captain Harding:
I really, really think you should talk to the General. C'mon I'll point you to his direction!

As the helicopter behind them started to wind down, Jimmy finally got off. All of their belongings were still inside with him so as soon as he tried to get out, the case that was holding their most expensive camera fell out with him. But lucky for him there was a big strong man nearby to catch it.

Oh my God I almost had a heart attack! Thank you, sir!

It's alright, I'm always happy to help. And you can call me Clark by the way.

Oh well... Thank you, Clark.

After introducing himself to Jimmy, Lois ran over to inspect the camera. As soon as she laid her eyes on Clark, their eyes interlocked. It was like a trance for him. He couldn't move, all he could do was smile at her. Lois smiled back at him, then went to inspect the camera for damages.

None were found.

Nice catch!

The captain followed behind her and called to Clark.

Captain Harding:
Smallville, you know where to bring their stuff.

Clark didn't respond, he was still in his trance.

Captain Harding:

That definitely got him out of it.

Yes Captain! Right away, sir!

Before Clark had left however, Lois had one last thing to tell him.

Smallville, Kansas? I went there once, it was cute, quiet too. Massive change of pace from Metropolis.

Oh! Well it's a small community and we like to keep to ourselves for the most part. Maybe I could-

Her gaze made Clark almost drop the camera, like a doofus. Luckily he caught it at super speed, so nobody noticed.

Maybe I could show you around sometime? Again! I mean, cause you've already been there... so why would I need to show you around if-

Lois began to chuckle, making Clark stop. She smiled at him.

I'll think about it! I'll see you around Smallville!

Lois waved him off and left to pester the captain with some questions. Clark continued to stare at her. Jimmy looked up at him and smiled. There was a short while before Clark noticed him.

Uh... did I do something wrong?

No, it's just... I've never seen Ms. Lane smile like that to anyone before. Well... unless it was to catch a story. Honestly speaking, it's a bit creepy.

As Jimmy struggled to pull out some more of their belongings, Clark stood beside him and helped him with ease. Jimmy stared in awe as Clark began to carry the rest of the heavy stuff like he was carrying stacks of tissue boxes.

So what brings you here?

We're chasing a story for the Daily Planet. There have been some strange seismic readings in the area and Mr. White, our boss, told us to investigate.

Jimmy leaned in closer to whisper to Clark.

But if you ask me, Lois is also here because she's chasing a story of her own.

Oh? And what would that be?

Jimmy looked around to make sure nobody was listening.

Well there have been reports of the "Superman" traveling down to Central and South America doing good deeds for the people.

Clark's eyes widened. He stopped dead in his tracts and continued to listen to Jimmy.


Lois gave him that little nickname, but it's believed that this man could move at supersonic speeds, leap tall buildings in a single bound, and was "more powerful than a locomotive." That last one was just a quote from a kind Spanish man we met a couple days ago.

If she's chasing that story, then why is she here now?

Because she found a pattern. He's been going straight down the Americas, and his last known location was at the very bottom of Chile. So Lois made the assumption that maybe he's heading lower. And that is why we're here in the freezing antarctic. Anyway thank you for helping carry our stuff over to me and Lois' quarters! Are you sure you don't need help?

No, I'm fine.

He in fact was not fine, not because of the "heavy lifting," but because now there were people on his tail. This was a first for Clark as he's never felt "hunted" before, it was terrifying.

By the way I never got asked, why are you so okay with telling me this?

Jimmy thought to himself for a second, then shrugged his shoulders.

You just seem like a guy I can trust, y'know. That and I'm sure you wouldn't tell anyone and it's not really like anyone would believe us.

Clark nodded.

Well that just made my day, thank you Jimmy!

The pleasure is all mine.

After taking all their stuff inside, Jimmy took his camera and went over to join Lois in meeting the head honcho of this Base, General John Swanwick. They are shown around the base.

Night comes and Jimmy goes out to take a couple more photos of the base. Lois stays inside to write about everything they've learned from the General, and to go over her "Superman" case. When Jimmy comes back they review the photos. All seemed normal until he noticed a man in the far background of one of his photos. He sees him scaling the frozen mountain nearby the base. When he showed it to Lois, she jumped up in excitement, grabbing her things, then Jimmy.

What are you doing?

(Taking the camera and showing her reports of Superman to Jimmy)
The man was described as a tall, beefy, white male carrying a large bag filled with random junk.

The picture fit the description.

Grabbing his equipment, Jimmy joined Lois to the top of the mountain, where they saw a hole at the very top. And it wasn't like a natural cave entrance, the hole had smoke emitting out of it. It was as if something had lasered its way into the mountain.

Lois began to step closer without thinking twice. Jimmy tried to stop her when he noticed the ground below them.

Lois! Wait!

He looked down and saw how hollow the top of the mountain was. The ice below Lois' feet began to crack ever so slightly.


It was too late. The ice below Lois broke and she fell in.

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