"what else you hiding brother?"

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The next day Bakuguo escaped from UA as the LOV and the pros came to an agreement, of banning Endevour , from both work and family.  Unfortunately another pro hero had run his mouth off, saying that the 4 main villains don't deserve forgiveness they need to be given... HELL (FYI they never hurt any of them they kept attacking the people who are responsible, for their problems and past).

So when Shoto's mum came in they realised who are the real pro hero's, Bakuguo on the other hand left the room; as Kirishma sent him a text demanding him to get to their room now! Then when Bakuguo came in, he was then pinned to the wall!

Only to then hear Kirishma say "Bakuguo Katsuki, what did I say about exposing Mineta, guess you don't mind me sharing with everyone that you bullied your childhood friend to make him self-harm well!".

Bakuguo whimpers due to remembering that day he found Deku (the flashback)=beaten up, covered in his  blood, because of Deku's abusive boyfriend at the time, then Deku's boyfriend  saw him coming and then said "hey my toy is back or should i give you to my brother Mineta 2nd option I'll do for by don't have good life bitch".

But Bakuguo resisted Kirishma and the memory, only to then have his hands tied up behind his back! Then  Bakuguo hears Mineta laughing "time for your punishment... Omega", then Mineta flips Bakuguo over on to his back and started saying the words that he knew would hurt Bakuguo the most, at the same time Mineta released Alpha pheromones, causing Bakuago's body to instantly lock up;  while Kirishma got a small knife and started carving his words in to Bakuago's legs.

However after hours of Bakuguo screaming in agony and due to both physical and mentally painful pain, they finally put the knives away. Only for them then to bite his legs and drink some of his blood!

Luckily their phones were ringing so they left to go find them, only for Bakuguo then uses his Omega powers, to mind link his sister for help "S-sis h-help h-hurt I c-ca-can't stop the b-bleeding send h-help please e-even if i-it means killing them 2".

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