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                              Y/n's POV
Today is weird. Everyone keeps smiling at me weirdly. Minho hasn't passed one sassy remark either. "Hey baby! I've been looking for you" Newt smiled from under my tree. I didn't realise him under neath it I was lost in my thoughts. Corny I know. He doesn't give out over me being in the tree which is weird because he always does, he always yells for me to come down. What is going on? "No giving out?" I asked sitting up. "Nah, you're a big girl" he smirked back cheekily "ok" I replied sliding down the tree "OOH BE- be careful babe" he smiled "okay what's going on?" I laughed "nothing bub, I trust you" he replied, I can tell he's biting his tongue from giving out. "Alright." I replied shrugging. "Come on you! We've all been looking for you- not all me and the twins but- not me and the twins me and the dogs. I sent them all in different ways to find you" Newt corrected himself "odd but okay" i laughed confused "NO NO NO!" Teresa screamed as we came back "what?!" I asked "I- I lost the twins!" Teresa blurted out "YOU WHAT?!" I screamed back "TERESA I LITERALLY LEFT FOR TWO SECONDS!" Newt yelled "I KNOW I TURNED FOR A SECOND TO GET LIZZIE AND THEN THEY WERE GONE!" She yelled.

                         Teresa's POV
I panicked. I didn't know what to say! She was coming back and we weren't ready yet! The twins are with Gally and Fry they're safe. Keeping Gally in the hut is a pain and keeping y/n out of the fire area isn't as bad as I thought it would be but it's still bad. I shouldn't have told her the twins were missing that was stupid I know but I didn't know what else to do. I winked at Newt to let him know I didn't and he gave me a "you idiot" look. I didn't know what I was supposed to do he knew not to bring her back till I have him the call!

                         Newt's POV
OK. Maybe just maybe Teresa said something a bit to extreme. God now y/n is freaking out. I'm gonna have to find away to get the twins to her. "Y/N! I have the twins! Sorry." Fry yelled. He's in on it "JESUS FRY MY HEART!" Y/n screamed running over and getting the twins from Fry "sorry" he mumbled looking me in the face and giving me a "not yet" look. "Let's go for a walk." I said to Y/n stearing her away from the huts. "O-okay" she replied confused. Okay I've bought them some more time. I don't know how long though and she's going to get suspicious when she calls for the dogs and they don't move. She was the one that taught them not to leave without being told "free" so, maybe she shouldn't have done that.

                         Minho's POV
We are throwing a party for Y/n and Gally. Newt is bringing her back to the huts, what is he? Oh she can't see. keeping them away from the surprise is harder than thought. Teresa has already told Y/n something drastic and pushed Gally back into the hut with such force I think he might of fallen. But we're just about done. We've made some things to kind of make the place looks pretty. If anyone deserves a good time it's y/n and Gally. I Hope they like it.

                        Gally's POV
What the hell is going on?? T won't let me leave my hut. I haven't seen Y/n since earlier. Teresa came in and snatched Fry and the twins out and told me to stay. I haven't done anything wrong have I? I couldn't have because I HAVEN'T LEFT MY HUT SINCE THIS MORNING!!. I'm going to kill them all when I find out what's going on. "T?! BABE WHAT DID I DO?! IM SORRY!" I yelled out. I've had some of my special recipe so I'm a bit emotional. I think I'm going to cry. "Teresa?" I called out before my voice wobbled. I'm about to crack. "Hey- baby?" Teresa smiled coming into the hut "what did I do?" I asked "you did nothing babe, you did nothing wrong, c'mon come with me" she cooed helping me up. What is going on?

                           Y/n's POV
I am being pulled out of my hut after Newt got me to change into a dress we got. What is going on?? I see Teresa pulling Gally out of his hut too. He looks upset. "Newt, why is Gally upset?" I asked "what? Is he?" Newt asked his smile dipping. Then Gally picked Teresa up and hugged her. "Never mind?" I said confused "hmph maybe you seen it wrong?"Newt replied confused. "Babe, what's going on? You've been weird all day. You were dancing when I was awake, you didn't give out when I was in the tree like usual and Teresa lost the twins! Why are you- did I do something?" I asked getting worried "no baby you didn't" Newt smiled his eyes getting a sudden life look in em "close your eyes princess" he smiled covering my eyes as I felt Jasper and Hazel let go of my hands and run. "Newt the kids!" I yelped "shhh" he chuckled back. Then my eyes were uncovered. Holy klunk. They made the place pretty. Oh my gosh! All the animals are up in a pyramid and my kids and Teresa's are sat in front while Paige snaps pictures! "What's all this for." I asked Newt "SHE FORGOT GUYS!! REMIND HER!!" He yelled out "HAPPY BIRTHDAY GALLY AND Y/N!!" Everyone yelled. "Wait- it's not our birthday?" I asked confused as I started tearing up realising I forgot and they didn't "it is you shank!" Newt laughed back. Holy cow. They remembered. How did I forget and they remembered?? They're amazing. "When did you-" I started "I've been teaching them for months. The kids weren't actually supposed to sit there but I like it!" Newt smiled proudly "of my god babe I love you" I smiled tears still flowing down my face as I kissed him. He pulled my leg up so it was on his hip and then pushed me back so he was holding me up *click *flash *click *flash* was all I could hear signalling Paige was taking pictures, I smiled into the kiss very happy newt made me change into this dress. And happy to call him my boyfriend"WHOOOOOO!!" Everyone yelled cheering for us. God I love this place and the people. I love them.

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