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Ayanokouji's POV.

Freedom. A year has passed since I was released from the White Room, living with my family's personal butler Matsuo and his son Eiichirou. Have I felt any hatred, any remorse, any regret for the decisions I have made in my life so far? I had no choice for where I lived my life, yet I did not resent that man for attempting to strip me of my emotions, similar to what befell my fallen compatriots. The man stripped himself of his right to call himself my father when he put me in that situation, yet I never hated him. I had defied expectations set for my generation. I do not regret acquiring skills that eclipsed many at my age. I also do not regret accepting my leave of that same environment. His ambition. It had satiated my curiosity, yet that world was so small, too perfect. Its perfection was its imperfection. He had wanted someone to live his dream of ruling Japan— no, ruling the world. A man-made controlled environment applied globally? Despite our training to adapt under duress, this world of white could not even begin to capture the oddity of life, the irrational and illogical nature of human beings. Even though I was taught the pseudoscience of psychology, the study of human behavior, it could only explain the logical side of humans. Humans are incomprehensible creatures. I wanted to learn what makes humans so special— what is their merit; can the common man stand up to geniuses?

"Not that it's any of my business, but why are you muttering to yourself? Are you okay?" a voice called out next to me. A rather cute, dark-haired beauty had taken off her teal green headphones and asked me that question. What had drawn me the most to her were her violet-colored eyes and perfectly glossed lips, color a soft peach.

"Don't mind me. I'm just a bit nervous about going to this school. We are away from our parents for the first time, after all," I lied as naturally as I breathed.

"That's true. But being away from family is quite nice, though. A taste of independence three years earlier than many do. I'm Himeno Yuki, by the way,"

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka,"

"Cool," she replied before she started fiddling with her phone, losing interest in me. My feelings...

With nothing else to do, I decided to look out the window to my left. Even though it was a simple sight, the oceanview was absolutely breathtaking, nothing like that lifeless white. A great blue expanse, darker than the boundless azure sky, propagated by wisps of white.

I had noticed my seatmate glance at me from time to time at the peripherals of my eyes, but I paid no heed to her. She probably wouldn't answer me if I asked what she wanted, anyway. I decided to look around in the bus for interesting people for no reason whatsoever. An energetic-looking blue-haired boy who looked athletic chatting amicably with another brunette with her hair up in a ponytail, tied by a ribbon. She had a decently-sized— personality. I mean a seemingly vibrant personality. For some reason, I had the urge to get as far from her as possible. I feel like she'd be the type to be secretly aggressive and not stop until she gets what she wanted. That might turn into trying to find my secrets, which we can't have. A rather lethargic girl with eyes half-lidded, fiddling with her phone. A boy with long blonde hair in a ponytail making hissing sounds for some reason. I'm honestly worried I'm in an anime or something, meant to entertain sick individuals. After all, what sort of person had blue hair? If I recall, that would be Susky from the Nardo Ship Den series and Ray Ayaya from Fluorescent Inception Good News series.

The bus finally stopped at our destination, and my seatmate and I followed bus etiquette as we exited.

"Would you like to walk with me?" I decided to ask to be polite. It wasn't like she'd actually accept. We didn't chat much on the bus, so I probably wasn't interesting enough to talk to. That's exactly how I like it. Low-key and avoiding trouble. I'm not tearing up, I swear.

"Yeah, sure whatever,"

"It's alright if— oh, cool,"

Himeno had fallen into step with me as we walked together towards the school. Unlike the chattering around us, we were both dead silent, just walking together. It seems she isn't much of a conversationalist, either.

I decided to break the ice, "I'm in Class 1-B if you want to find me later on,"

"Me too,"


"I'm in your class, too."

"Neat coincidence, huh?"


Uwah, we totally suck. Not even Eiichirou and Puppy-chan could fix my lameness. Good thing I'm not the masterpiece, anymore. That would be embarrassing for that man. A leader of Japan who doesn't know how to make light conversation. How tragic. I don't even know how to adapt to people my age.

"What sort of music do you listen to, anyway?", I decided to clumsily ask, not really knowing what to talk about.

"It's probably something you wouldn't care for. It's in English and Spanish. I'm not really a polyglot because I'm unable to really speak other languages, but I can replicate the sounds of the lyrics and understand what others say, though. I've listened to the tunes several times so I know some things," she said as she showed me the playlist currently on her phone. The song 'telepatía' was currently playing.

"I can speak a little of both, so I could take a listen later if you let me," I decided to tell a white lie. I was forced to be a polyglot, anyway, but I don't want to make it seem like I was bragging to others, trying to impress them.

"Sure, I don't mind. We'll be classmates, after all. You don't seem that bad. You're... tolerable."

I honestly feel she's lying. I wonder what would happen if I tease her? She doesn't have a stick up her ass or seem arrogant, so she probably wouldn't hate me. That much. I'm free from my burden, anyway, so I guess I should have fun.


Author's Ramblings

This is going to be a Ayanokouji Kiyotaka x Himeno Yuki relationship. A girl who's down for whatever, willing to get her hands dirty and get shit done, no questions asked. Basically, his version of Kei who doesn't have to keep appearances and hangs out with him more. He won't use her as bait, more like a partner behind the scenes. Ichinose is getting imouto-zoned, where she'll face competition from... Ichika. Why? Just cuz. In both Route C and Route B, she'll be a blood-related sibling because I made it so. The real conflict will be Nagumo vs Class B, starting the second year, instead of Yagami vs Kiyotaka, which will be the real conflict in Route C. Maybe. In this route, Yagami is the current masterpiece. Why? It's because Kiyo's more defiant, more willing to carve out his own path earlier than in canon, just like in Route C. Yagami will be taking Kiyo's place as the "runaway masterpiece". Kiyo may or may not help him escape the White Room's clutches. He is a neutral party. I sort of want to make a spinoff of Route B in the eyes of Yagami, actually. Yagami vs Ayanopapa. Having a one-sided rivalry with Sakurako (he doesn't really acknowledge her as one, but she's frustrated because he keeps ruining her plans). Of course, Yagami x Sakurako. I think I should add Eiichirou and Puppy-chan in Y2 of Route B, actually. Anyway, I'm sleepy. Good night.

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