SS - The Mask Slips

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Kanzaki's POV


I was lounging around with a couple of my classmates in Pallet when I heard my phone jingle mid-conversation. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see a textless notification on the screen sent to me by Ayanokouji. I wonder what that guy needs this time. He doesn't really reach out around this time of day because he wants to get some rest unless it's something important. He should be out of his club by now, right? I opened the message to see a location followed by the message:

Bring Beppu, stop me.

A jolt ran through my entire body — something wasn't right. He's usually reliable and independent, so why do I feel such a sense of unease? Stop him from what? Why does he need Beppu? Why didn't he send it in the group chat?

"Is something the matter?" Kobashi probed, "You looked worried for a sec. What's up?"

"Yeah, is it something we can help with?" Shibata asked with concern.

"I have to take this," I excused myself, "Don't worry about it. See you around, Kobashi-san, Shibata."

I got up from my seat and exited the cafe before immediately dialing Beppu. The phone rang thrice before it was picked up.

"Kanzaki? What do you need? I just got out of the gym," Beppu asked lethargically.

"Meet me outside of the mall ASAP. It's important."

"Be there in a minute," his tone suddenly shifted, sensing the urgency of my own.

I leaned against the wall and impatiently tapped my foot, waiting for Beppu's arrival. I couldn't help but feel antsy about the whole situation. What does he need? Should I have sent him ahead? I ruffled my hair in apprehension before Beppu arrived a few seconds later.

"Sorry I'm a bit late," Beppu panted, "What's wrong?"

"Do you have any idea where this place is?" I questioned him while showing him my phone, "It doesn't look like a place out in the open."

"Uh yeah, that's by the alleys. What's it for?"

"Ayanokouji sent me that location and a message for us to stop him, especially requesting you."

A brief moment of silence fell before we darted for the destination, intent on getting there as soon as we could.

*bam* *bam* *bam*

Suddenly, we heard bone-chilling sounds reverberating throughout the alley. What was going on? Did Ayanokouji get involved in a fight or something? We sped up and were met by a sight that made my blood run cold. We found him straddling a figure that seemed to be struggling, their hands reaching towards their throat.

"Ayanokouji, what do you think you're—" Beppu started as he reached for Ayanokouji before he swiped his arm backward, causing him to flinch. Beppu looked startled, holding his arm, "What the hell? It felt like I was hit by a baseball bat!" On his arm was a reddened spot, an early sign that the wayward strike would leave a bruise.

Ayanokouji slowly turned his head, revealing his darkened visage. His face betrayed no emotions, appearing eerily serene in contrast to his actions. His eyes were the worst thing to look at... they were neither subdued as they usually were when talking with our classmates nor scintillating like they were when he spends time with Himeno-san. They reminded me of the ocean's depths, an abyss that would consume me if I kept gazing into it. My breathing quickened and I had to look away, Ayanokouji's head quickly snapping back to the figure he was laying a beating on.

"What could set him off like that?" I thought to myself, my eyes quickly flicking around the alley, eventually spotting a smaller figure with twintails slumped against the wall. Himeno? I hurried to her side and tried shaking her awake, spotting a bruise on her cheek. Tch. That sorry bastard. No wonder Ayanokouji's livid. Eventually, her eyes fluttered open, her hand reaching for the back of her head. She groggily looked up at me, asking, "Kanzaki? Ah, what—"

"Hurry!" I hastily cut her off, pointing towards the two, "It's like his mind is on one track mode and his breaks are broken! You have to stop him or he might actually kill that guy! Beppu already got hurt when he tried to stop him!"

"Huh? What do you mean? Kiyotaka?!" Himeno-san screamed as soon as she saw her best friend beating on that man, whose face looked to be reduced to pulp. An eye for an eye? More like an eye for two eyes, his children's eyes, and his grandchildren's eyes. Himeno-san immediately got up and tackled Ayanokouji's back, wrapping his body with a hug, her eyes lachrymose and turning red as she sobbed into his back.

Ayanokouji suddenly started, seeming to snap back into his senses. He looked towards his hands, stained carmine, towards the man he was straddling, down towards his body. He looked back towards Beppu and me; I didn't know what sort of face I was making, but I definitely was horrified at what he had done. He suddenly fell forward, but Beppu and I rushed to him, catching him by his arms before he fell on that man.

I looked at his hands and gnashed my teeth; his knuckles were covered in red splotches, meaning he practically abused himself while driven by wrath. The both of us picked him and Himeno-san up, his dead weight causing us to stagger a bit.

"What do we do?" Beppu spoke up, "Should we phone the campus police?"

I sighed, "Yeah, we probably should. What he did was justified and deserved, but we have to follow the school rules. Himeno-san, what do you think?"

I was met with silence, so I swiveled my head in her direction, only to see her unconscious, probably from all the pent-up emotions that spilled out. It was not the time or place, but it was quite unusual and refreshing to see her express something besides general annoyance or pessimism. Is this the side of her that Ayanokouji got to see every day?

We heard footsteps walking in our direction and rose our heads. Shit! It was a third-year club leader accompanied by her entourage. She was an ethereal beauty, clad in a flowery kimono and geta sandals. Her face portrayed a calm exterior, but her razor-sharp eyes remained fixed in our direction.

"You two," she reached out and ruffled the hair on both our heads before ordering in an authoritative voice, "Bring Ayanokouji-kun to his dorm. Don't take any rash actions; I'll meet you two there to discuss what had transpired. Just know that what Ayanokouji-kun did was, while crude, definitely the most optimal course of action to take. Go with my girls and hide him in the crowd. Kitagawa-chan, please take them. I'll buy you some of that meat onigiri after."

"Maji?" the girl with silky blonde hair seemed to drool a little, "Yabbaai!~ Okay! Especially if it's for Kiyo-chan!" she finished as she punched towards the sky.

"And gloomy-chan number two," the senpai looked towards me once more, her eyes blazing, "Do not be concerned about this thing. I'll... deal with it."

Beppu and I carried Ayanokouji while Kitagawa-san carried Himeno-san, hiding us in the crowd of girls, walking away. I turned my head back to see the senpai pull out her cell phone and dial a number before slowly, pressing one of the wooden teeth of her geta onto the guy's neck. I shivered. It would definitely be best not to get on her bad side.

I warily looked towards my friend who I was helping carry. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, you are really a terrifying person.


I hope you liked the short story! There was also a minor cameo of this season's best girl, lol. Will she be important to the plot? Nope. She's just a club member of the Tea Ceremony club.

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