Volume 2 - Chapter 12

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Ayanokouji's POV

I couldn't help but sigh. The class bell had rung once again, signaling the beginning of the school day, and Hoshinomiya-sensei was still slumped over on her desk. Her hair was frazzled and she reeked of hard American alcohol. Don't ask how I know what that smells like. Bitter memories. Her dress was crumpled and had stains on it. In short, she looked like a hot mess.

"Students of Class-B," she started, voice strained and sweat coming from her forehead, "Let's have another great day..."

Sensei quickly covered her mouth and made a retching sound. Shibata had quickly thrown a wastebasket that she easily caught with her other hand before she vomited directly into it. After she was done, she gave the class a thumbs up, her mouth dribbling with a mixture of saliva and liquor. Disgusting. Get yourself together, sensei. She pulled a handkerchief out of nowhere and cleaned herself up a bit. Slightly better.

"I will now announce this month's class point totals for each class!" she exclaimed, slapping the board, this time with the classes and points written on the board, thankfully. "Isn't your sensei cool?"

"Didn't you say this a month before, only without the points written down?" I interjected.

"You should try again when you don't look like a disaster," one of my classmates commented.

"Chabashira-sensei is cooler, but it's a low bar," the student I saved muttered.

To my class' obliviousness, Hoshinomiya-sensei fixed him with a death glare. It looked like she was sending a message with her eyes, almost like she wanted him to be destroyed. She looked directly at me and nodded before her face shifted into a friendly expression. I sighed. She's definitely a pain.

"Your private points will be distributed tomorrow..." she trailed off before she returned to her wastebasket.

The class was up in spirits because not only did we get through the trial together, we also received some extra points, even though the gap between our class and Class A got wider. Our class only earned 13 points from the midterm exam, bringing Class B's class point total to 703. We did the third-best in comparison, Class A earning a 64 point bonus, Class D receiving a 50 point bonus, and Class C receiving a 2 point bonus. However, Class D had been in an ever-gloomy mood despite the amount of points they received. Unfortunately for them, they had lost a student named Miyamoto. Hirata was inconsolable for a few days, only coming out of his room for class and meals before returning to his room. I helped a bit, providing him with a serving for a meal every now and then. It was the least I could do as a friend. I wasn't going to console him, though.

The class continued to chatter with one another as our sensei was busy vomiting out her intestines. The girls were busy snuggling Ichinose, the boys were surrounding Kanzaki and Shibata, and Himeno and I were just chatting with one another. The usual, of course. There was absolutely nothing that could ruin today.


"Who the hell are you?"

Kanzaki, Shibata, Hamaguchi, and Beppu were hanging out with me in my room after classes were over today. Hamaguchi and Beppu brought over the food while Kanzaki brought the drinks, so we were having a small party going on. They brought Korean takeout from the mall, such as Korean-fried chicken, tteokbokki,  jjajangmyeon, and Korean-style corndogs along with a pizza. Kanzaki had brought several bottles of different kinds of sweet teas and other soft drinks. We were playing the game Himeno and I were playing the other day. We switched off controllers based on the "King of the Hill" method, with the winner keeping their possession of the controller while the loser hands off their controller to the next person in line. I was surprisingly not the worst player, that honor going to Kanzaki, who lacked experience in such matters as well. We were suddenly interrupted by the abrupt arrival of a student from Class D who had apparently been searching for Hirata.

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