Volume 1 - Chapter 2

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Ayanokouji's POV.

Kanzaki and I were womanhandled by our two compatriots after Ichinose set the reservation at the izakaya. We were dragged from store to store to do plenty of "window shopping", or scouting out goods for them to purchase in the future. I couldn't comprehend the purpose of doing so, but we just went with it anyway. Perhaps this was a normal thing to do? Matsuo and I usually purchased goods online or went inside stores with the intent of picking out goods to purchase immediately. People are weird.

I could only take solace in the fact that I had a brother-in-arms to suffer along with me. Kanzaki formed a mutual bond that gloomy loners tend to have— that was a joke. Imagine gloomy loners having friends. We eventually split up after we agreed to meet at the izakaya. I quietly exchanged numbers with Kanzaki in case either Ichinose or Himeno get carried away doing...whatever. I felt a little happy I got someone's contact, regardless if it was born of necessity.

Himeno dragged me into a cosmetic store in order for her to purchase different kinds of creams and lotions along with lip gloss. I was confused about the number of products she purchased, considering I'd just keep maintenance on my skin with lotion and moisten my lips with lip balm. She further baffled me saying that this wasn't much in comparison to what other girls buy. She apparently wasn't much of a makeup person, only wearing it on special occasions. She had enough to get by for now in her room.

We later stopped by a boutique, in which I met another boy, who apparently was dragged there by a group of girls.

"Looks like you got it rough, huh," I couldn't help but comment as we sat on one of the benches outside of the boutique. The boy was stuck with several bags that belonged to the girls, being tasked to watch over and carry them.

"It's okay, uh," the boy paused, cueing me to name myself.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka,"

"Ayanokouji-kun," he said, "I don't mind doing so. I like the company. It's not like..." he trailed off.

Feeling an odd sort of kindred spirit, I decided to ask, "What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, my name is Hirata Yousuke. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said formally. He seemed like a social guy given the fact that he's friendly with plenty of girls, but at the same time, he seemed lonely in a sort of way. I decided to take the chance to offer friendship, even if I was going to make a social gaffe. I didn't really have anything to lose, since it was just us two talking.

"Can we exchange contacts? I'd like to hang out with you later, if you wish," I said as I held out my hand.

"Yeah, let's," he replied, shaking my hand with a bright smile on his face. Uwah, if I was a girl, I'd definitely fall head over heels for you. We suddenly heard a gasp near us. It was the group of girls he came with, pink tinting their faces. Weird. One of them had apparently snapped a pic of us shaking hands on her phone before she put it away with a smile. She said something along the lines of "mash cache" or whatever. I assumed it was something interesting because the other girls crowded around her. Not my business.

"Hey, what's your name?" the magenta-haired one decided to ask.

"He's Ayanokouji-kun," Hirata answered for me. What a good guy.

"My name is Satou, and these are my friends Karuizawa-chan, Matsushita-chan, Shinohara-chan, and Mori-chan," she said energetically before smiling, "Let's hang out later, yeah?

"Sure, if it's okay with you," I decided to say politely with a small smile. I tried my hardest to pull that out, just like during my introduction. Smiling is hard, even though I'm relieved of my burden. I still had to carry the burden of my past, however. I saw quite a few blushes and heard a few whispers, but I paid no heed. I exchanged numbers with the rest of them before they and Hirata went on their way.

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