Volume 1 - Chapter 8

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Ayanokouji's POV

Sensei had informed us about the upcoming midterm exams that we would be taking in three weeks. Naturally, we formed study groups. Ichinose at first considered making large study groups comprised of large numbers of our classmates, but Kanzaki advised her that it would be near impossible to accommodate every single one of us. Some of us were involved in clubs, some of us studied better independently, while others wanted a quiet environment to focus. In theory, having the most intelligent students leading study groups would be pertinent, but not everyone was suitable to teach. The two made the compromise to hold optional larger study groups in the library on Friday and Saturday every week, while everyone was expected to study on their own time the rest of the week. Most of my classmates are diligent students, so we easily agreed with this arrangement.

I conveniently scored just outside of the top ten, so I wasn't really expected to help tutor my classmates. It was liberating that there were so many people smarter than me in this class. I can just relax and cruise until the midterms without being bothered too much. Ah. With the lack of people going about and focusing on the midterms, that means I can probably join a club without a hassle. I should be unbothered, right? Surely not even the most inattentive, good-for-nothing students would be goofing off like monkeys when the midterms are coming up, right?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. That definitely wasn't something I should concern myself about. I pulled out a brochure containing a list of the different kinds of clubs available. I had already picked out several names that piqued my interest. Orchestra club, calligraphy club, tea ceremony club. Orchestra club was my least likely choice, honestly. I'd rather not have too much attention on myself. People nowadays like to record people playing instruments and posting the video on the forum. Calligraphy club was something I was seriously considering. Being able to express yourself through the ink from your brush; there was something beautiful about the concept. However, I scrapped that idea because I would rather not spend points on the supplies I would have to buy when they could be used to purchase even more important things. It did say in the description that even for a trial run, you would have to bring your own ink and brushes. Tea Ceremony club was the one I was probably going to join if I actually did want to join a club.

I walked along the winding path in the direction of where the tea ceremony club held such events. It was a secluded, yet elegant scenery. A chashitsu hidden amongst a grove of plants of different kinds, many associated with tea. A cluster of flowering Camellia sinensis, the plants the club cultivated to harvest their own tea. An orchard of different fruits, likely to be made into flavorings for the sweets and tea typically prepared for tea ceremonies. Sweet osmanthus, peach, loquat, persimmon, plum, cherry, and many more. It was an absolutely breathtaking sight. Such a world of color that I would have missed out on if I remained in that pure, unblemished white. That world of solitude.

"Are you awestricken at the sight?" a sweet,  soothing voice breathed in my ear. Earlier, I heard soft footsteps coming up from behind me. I slowly turned around to meet the perpetrator and was met face to face with a Yamato Nadeshiko, the epitome of an elegant woman. Ikari Momoko, I believe her name is, the third-year club leader of the Tea Ceremony Club. Unlike most students, she was clad in a flowery kimono that hugged her features. It was progressive, to say the least. Typically, one wears a plain kimono or conservative western clothing to tea ceremonies. Twirling in her fingers was a kiseru, a smoking pipe, likely for decoration. It would be appropriate to assume that she was more avant-garde than most other students. This maverick may be inclined to oppose Horikita Manabu, the reigning student council president, given his rather conservative nature. Her eyes did not match her smiling demeanor; it looked like her sharp eyes were evaluating me and my purpose.

"Naturally. It is truly a sight to behold," I admitted.

She giggled demurely behind her hand, her smile shifting into something seemingly more genuine.

"Thank you, I designed this scenery in the second half of last year," she expressed with pride, "Now, what is your purpose for entering my abode?" Her tone had shifted, a voice so smooth yet so sharp.

"I would like to join the Tea Ceremony club. I believe the calming and silent atmosphere would provide a means to relax, a brief respite from the hectic nature of my class. Ephemeral moments that I'd appreciate."

"We'd be welcome to have you, kouhai," she smiled, "You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. You came much later than most of the males that visited. They came at the sight of our girls— I mean, came to look at our female club members, so I kicked them out. Especially those Yamauchi and Ike kids. They tried sneaking in multiple times. I threatened them with a restraining order to leave our club alone. Luckily that worked... for now,"

"I didn't want to cause a disturbance or anything. I decided to come when the dust settled and people were busy."

Before we entered the chashitsu, we took off our shoes, with Ikari-senpai providing both of us slippers to wear. As the host, she seated me at the table. I entered the tea room on my knees to avoid stepping on the mats, using closed fists when touching the mats for hygienic purposes. I sat in a seiza position while waiting for the host to finish with her preparations; ritualistically cleaning and purifying the tea set, whisking the different matcha powder to make the tea froth. She served a few wagashi freshly made by other members of the club, such as taiyaki, dango, mochi, amongst many more. It would be rude of me to consume them all, so I calmly took a few to eat before we drank from the tea bowl. After we had finished drinking the tea, Ikari-senpai cleansed the tools for the last time.

The tea ceremony had ended. Time had passed by so quickly in that ephemeral moment. It felt nice being the guest for once. I had to learn how to play the host all the time in the White Room. Ikari-senpai bowed towards me as I departed from the chashitsu. She had followed me out the entrance after I left. I slowed down to allow her to meet my pace.

"Hmm, what did you think?" she asked me.

"I think it was a calming experience, a dichotomy with the unrestrained energy from my classmates. I'm glad to have experienced this."

She smiled once more before pulling out a clipboard and pen from who knows where.

"Now sign here, here, and here. Write down your contact information, your availability, and here's when your appointment will be. We need to get your clothing sizes for your kimono. You will learn how to host a tea ceremony—"

"Senpai, I already know how to host a tea ceremony. I also know how to make the wagashi as well,"

"Perfect! We'll assign you to Shiina-chan!"


"Her," she replied, pointing to a figure under her arm.

Was... Was it dead?

The figure rose from its limp position and waved at me.

"Domo, Shiina desu," the now-named Shiina greeted.

"...Thankfully, you're alive," I said, replying with a wave of my own.

"You can start teaching her... say after the midterms, okay?"


Ikari-senpai unceremoniously dropped Shiina on the ground before returning to the Tea Ceremony Club chashitsu. I waited for Shiina to pick herself up and dust herself off before I introduced myself.

"Hello, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, it's a pleasure to meet you. I believe we're clubmates, I guess,"

"It's pleasure to meet you too!" she exclaimed with a smile, "It's a shame that we met on such short notice. I'd like to come chat more with you, but I have things to do. Maybe we can meet later?

"I'd like that as well," I replied. We eventually went our own ways, each of us retiring to our rooms.


If you're interested in the words you don't know, search them up, or something. It's past when I usually sleep. Good night. Also, Hiyori wishes you sweet dreams.

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