SS - Himeno Yuki's Birthday

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Himeno's POV


Despite the light drizzle happening on what was supposed to be my special day, I wasn't upset by it. Celebrating my birthday with the others would honestly be too much. While I appreciated that Ichinose-san was willing to throw a birthday party for me in the classroom, I had declined her offer. Such things were nauseating, with the constant chatter and interactions with many of my classmates that I wasn't so close with. That much energy contained in one classroom was absolutely draining, and I don't think I could stay in that room for too long. However...

One thing has been on my mind— or rather, a person. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

My first impression of him was that he was a bit of a weirdo. A little awkward and gloomy, but friendly enough. However, I couldn't even say his gloominess took away from his attractiveness. As we conversed, his dusk-colored eyes on his handsome, regal face seemed to have gained luster, making his gaze more intense. I couldn't help but get lost in them when my eyes met his. My initial impression had completely fizzled out the moment I met with him a second time. He was a natural teaser. It felt like he could easily get under my skin, but... I didn't hate the feeling. 

Before I knew it, he had become the closest person to me in this school— my best friend. I just felt comfortable around him and we constantly had fun together, but I couldn't help but be worried about him. It seemed like he had difficulty changing expressions, even though I sensed subtle signs of whatever he was feeling. After I had noticed some of his bouts of apprehension on the first day, he had hidden and tried hiding them while attempting to ease our worries by saying that he was fine. I couldn't help but want to discover what was troubling him and help ease his stress, but I respected his personal boundaries. I wasn't going to constantly needle him for information— that would only lead him to push me and the others away and close himself off. I decided to leave that alone for now. Hopefully, he will tell me when he's ready.

I spent the whole day with Ayanokouji-kun, but it seemed like just a normal day for him. It didn't seem like he knew. I know I didn't tell him about today and we've only known each other for less than two months, 


"What's got you down, Himeno?" an audible voice questioned, snapping me out of my stupor. I was face-to-face with the person I was thinking of and he...

"Why are you wet?" I couldn't help but question him. Labeling him as wet was a complete understatement. He was absolutely drenched. His locks were sticking to his face and his attire was absolutely soaked. I couldn't help but notice how the droplets that kissed his skin made it glisten as the street lamp above illuminated his form.

"Well, while you were busy monologuing, you moved the umbrella's canopy to only cover your head."

I felt my face heat up, "How did you know I was monologuing?!" Did he hear about what I said about him?

"I heard literally everything about what you said about me. I'm glad that you're thinking of me as more than a weirdo—"

"You're still a weirdo!" I exclaimed.

He continued, "—and what you said about my facial features. What was it that you said about my eyes and face?" His eyes took on a sort of mischievous expression, "Oya, dusk-colored eyes—"

I fumbled my umbrella and tried shutting him up by covering his mouth with both of my hands, to no avail.

"—and a regal face? I didn't think you could be so poetic." He continued to tease me.

"This is your fault! You've infected me with your loose lips! You always monologue out loud when you're around me and I caught it from you!" I slipped and fell on top of him, and we both had dropped to the ground. My face turned a deeper shade of red when I noticed I had laid on top of him, but I couldn't help but giggle at the situation we both were in.

"Alright, alright, enough. Let's go to my room and dry up. Er... I mean, you go to your room first and dry up before you come to my room."

"What for?" I stupidly asked.

"So we can continue to hang out, of course," he looked puzzled, "...You didn't think I forgot your birthday, did you?"

I gaped at him while he picked both of us up and started walking. I started to run to catch up to him.

"You should probably pick that up," he looked in a certain direction.

My eyes followed his line of sight and I saw the fallen umbrella laying on the ground after it rolled off the bench.

"Shut up."


I paced back and forth in front of Ayanokouji-kun's door, unsure of when to knock. I had taken an honestly long shower trying to calm down my excitement and tried to be cool, just like my namesake. Princess of Snow. I dressed in a comfortable hoodie and track pants and hurried to his dorm room. When I finally got the courage to knock, the door opened. A waft of deliciously-smelling aroma came from his room. Had he been cooking all this time?

"How did you have the time to both clean yourself up and cook in that period of time?" I asked.

"I already had prepared the ingredients beforehand, so I was able to cook us dinner and have time to shower after,"

I looked at his form, and it actually seemed like he had only recently gotten out of the shower. His wet hair was slicked back and held by a metal hairband. He was dressed casually and I could see some steam rising from his arms.

He led me to the dining table, pulling out a chair for me to sit down. We humbly received the food, and we both indulged in the meal. I absolutely enjoyed the three courses, the banter we had, and the cake he made in a cup! After we had finished our meals, he led me to his bed.

"Ayanokouji-kun, it's too—"

"What are you talking about? I'm just getting the gift I had bought you." He looked clueless at what I had assumed. Yuki, what are you thinking, young lady?

Ayanokouji-kun placed a small box in my palm. When I opened it, my eyes widened.

"Do you like the bracelet? I saw you eyeing it the other day, so I decided to purchase it from the jeweler,"

Immediately, I threw my arms around him, tackling him to the bed.

"Domo arigatou gozaimasu!" I thanked him, which caused him to pat me on the head.

Ayanokouji-kun, how did you make me feel this way so quickly...


Written after chapter 13, but set between chapters 8 and 9. I have a major final tomorrow, bye.

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