Volume 2 - Chapter 14

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Ayanokouji's POV

I had recently finished today's tea ceremony seminar with Shiina as per Ikari-senpai's instructions. I was mildly impressed with her diligence regarding learning the different aspects behind the tea ceremony — she took to the lessons I taught her like a fish to water... but her fine motor skills may need a little work.

I digress — I could tell she was apprehensive around me, likely to be waiting for me to suddenly interrogate her. Shiina knew Class B had been helping out Class D search for a witness. Well, not that Ichinose was subtle about it, having posted the question on the school forum. I put psychological pressure on her as I acted unawares to her nervousness by never doing so. Shiina tried to hide her anxiety, waiting for the other shoe to drop, yet it never came. While I could have taken the opportunity to do some cold reading on her, I decided against it; it would be to my detriment if a troublesome individual would find out about it. I would have to kiss my peaceful life goodbye even earlier than expected while they actively targeted me. They'd be troublesome, seeing Class D have a taste of Class C's tactics. Ah, and it would probably be awkward between Shiina and me whenever we met during club hours.

However, I did glean some information as I purposefully danced around the topic, noticing her nervous tics as I made passing references about my class in our conversations, likely comparing our classes. Unlike Class B, Class C didn't seem to be united in a conventional way — there had likely been some discord between members that was eventually quelled. In addition, conjectures could be made about Class C's modus operandi; the students involved seemed to have lacked care about their reputations, bringing the students of other classes down with them. The verbal tearing into Amikura and the scuffle at the basketball court come to mind. There was also the ambiguous nature of the altercations to take into account — to outsiders, it was inconclusive as to who exactly started them to begin with. This time, however, Class C seemed to have added a layer to the deception, possibly forging evidence to bring more trouble to the other classes. How Class D will solve this matter was up in the air, as the public was not privy to the complete set of details regarding the scuffle. Somehow, they'd have to get Class C to withdraw the accusations. Well, not that investigating deeper into the incident mattered to me. 

"You can drop me off here, Ayanokouji-kun," Shiina snapped me out of my monologue, "You can also stop patting me on the head."

Ah. Why exactly was I doing that again? Oh right, Shiina's blood pressure rose when I was playing with her, so I probably thought head pats would help calm her down. They do work on Yuki, at least. I was surprised to see that we stopped in front of one of the karaoke clubs in the mall. 

"Hm? I didn't take you to be one to partake in these activities," I commented, "You do seem to be one that prefers a good novel to read, after all."

"Well, your assumption is correct. I honestly came for the free food," Shiina admitted. I see that we're more akin than I thought. Food does taste better when it's free, after all. However, it definitely does not when you think it's free but it's actually a means to force you to do something for someone. She decided to request, "Actually, can you wait with me a bit? They're a bit late,"

With no reason to refuse, I acquiesced to her request. It took several more minutes for the people she was going to the karaoke club with to arrive. As they came closer, I could distinguish their features; a tall, dark-skinned man, a magenta-haired boy with an indigo-haired girl that reminded me a little bit of Yuki under his arm, and one of the boys that had been stalking Yuki and me the other day.

"You, pretty boy," the magenta-haired boy stepped forward to meet me face-to-face. Ah, was this the rumored leader of Class C? Now that I could get a good look at him, he does seem to fit the mold. I briefly glanced at him and took note of his somewhat muscular build. His sharp, magenta-colored eyes definitely would strike some fear in the hearts of those with a shaky mental fortitude with a rather piercing, analytical gaze. From his body language, he seemed to be poised for a fight.

"Is there something you need from me?" I decided to ask, unsure of what exactly he wanted.

"You're Shiina's friend from her club, Ayanokouji right?" he questioned me, "The name's Ryuuen, and these are Ibuki, Ishizaki, and Albert. Do ya wanna get some grub with us? It's my treat."

An extremely tempting offer, but no. While I wouldn't mind hanging out with Shiina more, I could sense an ulterior motive coming from the magenta-head, possibly trying to gather some information about me and my class. Shiina probably has told him a bit about me if he knows we're fellow club members. That, and he'd probably somehow leave me with the bill. However, I decided to compromise.

"No, thank you," I gave him a polite smile, "While I'm pleased with your gracious invitation, I have a prior engagement with another friend. It would not do for me to renege on the arrangement. However, I would not be averse to a social engagement with you all in the future."

"...Are you hitting on me?" Ryuuen asked with a raised brow and a smirk, while the others seemed to be befuddled. Besides the pink-tinted Shiina, the little imp.

"Do you want me to flirt with you?"


I exaggeratedly turned away from him in mock contempt before I gave a lackadaisical wave to Shiina, "I hope you have a good time tonight. See you later, Shiina and friends." I eventually departed from the mall, making my way towards the dorms. I didn't have many things planned for the rest of the day. Ah, right. I was going to meet Yuki in my room later. My stomach slightly rumbled a bit. I am famished, though. I only drank tea and ate Shiina's malformed sweets in the club. I was suddenly struck by a possibly great idea. I pulled out my phone and shot out a text to Yuki.


[Dino-sama: Yo.]

[❄️Yukihime❄️: What, you egg?]

[Dino-sama: I was unaware that you were knowledgeable about Shakespearean plays]

[Dino-sama: Also that was rather quick of a response]

[Dino-sama: Could it be that you were waiting for me?]

[❄️Yukihime❄️: No]

[Dino-sama: (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)]

[Dino-sama: (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)]

[Dino-sama: (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)]

[❄️Yukihime❄️: I bitterly regret teaching you how to make text faces]

[Dino-sama: Anyways, have you eaten?]

[❄️Yukihime❄️: no]

[❄️Yukihime❄️: are you gonna cook again?]

[Dino-sama: Do you wanna dine with me at Petit Caprice?]

[❄️Yukihime❄️: That French restaurant? I'm down. Where are you, anyway?]

[Dino-sama: I just exited the mall. I'll be at the dorms in 10]

[❄️Yukihime❄️: Isn't that a 30 min walk]

[Dino-sama: dwai, we can take a taxi]

With the last text, I promptly pocketed my phone and raced for the dorms, bolting down the boulevard, my feet slapping against the concrete sidewalk as I jetted past blurred figures that I barely recognized. Nothing obstructed my way; I could feel the cool and pleasant zephyr rushing past my face and my whole body was working — my heart was pumping, blood coursing through my veins, fresh and stale air entering and leaving my lungs. I had never, ever run that seriously in my entire life, not even in that cold, sterile room. Unbound by any obligations, it started to feel real — I've begun to spread my wings, finally having found the open sky I had yearned for so long.


Uh, hi again. It's been a while since I've written in Route B. It is a bit shorter than what is normally in this fic, but I'm rubbing off the rust from the mini hiatus I have taken from this book to focus on my other stories. I hope you enjoyed the read.

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