Volume 3 - Chapter 21

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Ayanokouji's POV

"I guess I can afford this moment of weakness..."

Is what I would say if you weren't within a five-kilometer radius, Amikura! Did you think I was foolish enough to leave myself in a vulnerable position with you around, bakayarou, konoyarou!

"Kya!" she yelped in surprise when I suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me. She tripped and landed on top of Yuki and me, so I followed up by holding down her legs and lower back. Her yelp caught the attention of the others in the surrounding seats who began to watch the show in amusement.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun, I didn't know you were awake," Amikura stuttered, "Can you let me stand up?"

Personally, having her lay on top of both Yuki and me made me a bit uncomfortable. Yuki also wouldn't be pleased to be used as a bed when she woke up again. I'm honestly surprised she was still asleep despite the impact of Amikura's landing, but I digress. If it were anyone else, I would have complied, but...

"Daga kotowaru," I smugly expressed.



"One of my absolute favorite things to do is to tell someone who tries to prank me, 'no'."

Ichinose mischievously took the chance to butt in, "Mako-chan, I told you not to do it! Ayanokouji-kun, it's all up to you!" she said as she turned back around with a snicker. Amikura looked at me with teary eyes that would have made my kokoro go doki-doki if I had one, but alas, I had no kokoro to speak of. I shut my eyes once more so I could try to fall asleep as she struggled to escape.

Roughly half an hour later, I felt a stabbing sensation on my cheek, but I continued to pretend to sleep. I took deep and gentle breaths to feign sleep. "I guess you're still asleep, huh," I heard Yuki sigh in exasperation, "I wanted to ask why Amikura is snoozing on top of us. Well, I guess you won't be awake to hear that..." her voice gradually quieted until it became completely audible, even to me. I tried to subtly strain my ears to listen, but Yuki made a noise of triumph, "Hmph, don't even try to trick me, Kiyotaka. You'd have to try harder than that to fool me."

The jig was up, so I gave up my ruse, "When did you notice I was awake?" I've been rather pleased with her development as an information gatherer of sorts. If her innate situational awareness was able to pick up certain cues like this, then I'd like her to continue using me as the variable for testing purposes.

"I noticed your ear twitch when I lowered my voice. I don't think I would've noticed if you weren't close, though. How come you didn't react when I poked your cheek? I did my nails earlier today to show them off."

I squinted, "Hold on a moment. Weren't you so sleepy that you forced Ichinose to give you a piggyback ride this morning?"

"Hm? Did something like that happen?" she asked innocently, "I don't recall forcing Ichinose to do anything." Her self-satisfied guise made her look all the more terrifying. I guess I rubbed off on her a bit — she's not the one that's supposed to be the sadist. "Say, Kiyotaka, have you ever been on a cruise before?"

Ah, a deliberate change in topic. What a brilliant maneuver.

"Unfortunately, I haven't. I've been sheltered too much by my parents. They really cared a lot about my education, so I hadn't really experienced much of the outside world. My experiences in Advanced Nurturing High School have been many of my firsts. You're also my first."

"You intentionally made a double entendre," Yuki deadpanned, "But I'm gonna ignore that. Since this is your first time, I'll make sure you get to appreciate the amenities provided on the cruise. I know that you'd probably just chill in your room if it weren't for me dragging you around."

"Well, probably after lunch with Kanzaki and Ichinose. I agreed for us that we'd join them because the four of us haven't really hung out with each other since April." That is if we aren't interrupted by the exam looming overhead. I hope it's just something on the cruise ship. I'd rather not be dumped on some island for a week or something and told to just survive. What if there wasn't any food? Would I have to start hunting the other classes to use as foodstuff for the whole class? The school does seem a bit... unlawful in a sense.

"Kimochi warui," A voice snapped me out of my monologue. Yuki threw a disgusted look at me, "I know you're joking, but please don't say something that terrifying out loud again."

"Who said I was joking? Maybe I want to eat you."

"Kiyotaka, you're incorrigible," Yuki blushed, "I'm not gonna talk to you."

"Um, I'd like to get up, please," another voice interrupted us. We looked downward to see that Amikura had stirred and managed to roll over so she was laying supine on top of us.

"I had nearly forgotten about you, little chit. Why did you get on top of us?" Yuki started grilling her.

"Would you believe me if I said Ayanokouji-kun took me by the arm and had his way with me?"

Yuki palmed Amikura's face and squished her cheeks togther. "I have a feeling you're technically telling the truth, but you're saying it in a way that gets Kiyotaka in trouble." Slay, Yuki! You go breaking stereotypes, girl! Yuki suddenly reached out and did the same to me with her other hand, "I can't believe you would say something so embarrasing. What have you done to the real Kiyotaka?!" she joked.

After we had a laugh, Yuki let go of both of us and Amikura got up, forcibly squeezing into the seat despite her seat only being temporarily vacated by Ichinose, who had began (wo)manspreading in Amikura's absence.

"I can't believe that everyone else fell asleep. I guess they finally got tuckered out after all the gossiping had concluded for now." Well, except Kanzaki, who had been busy reading that light novel from earlier. I have no idea how he didn't get a headache from reading while in a moving vehicle. Or maybe he did but is just ignoring the migraine that comes with being carsick. Kanzaki-tsuyoi. Praise be his name.

"Amikura, have you ever been on a cruise before?" Yuki asked the same question she asked me.

"Never in my life. I'm honestly starting to feel a little homesick, though, you know?"

"I get the feeling. Kiyotaka's probably different because his parents were strict. Can you believe that he's never had ice cream before? He had been forbidden from eating sweets."

"What, really? So that's why you dragged him to many sweet shops and cafes nearly every week since the start of school. I was concerned that you spent a lot of money."

"Ah, did you know how much Kiyotaka spent on the dinner we had together? He wouldn't even let me pay —"

"You know I'm right here," I mentioned, "I haven't fallen back asleep yet."

"Ayanokouji-kun, it seems we don't hang out enough. Maybe I'll join you two so we can be a trio!"

I sighed, "Phrasing, Amikura."

Other than our amusing conversations and mini comedy routines, the rest of the bus ride remained uneventful. I decided instead attempt to fall asleep again listening to the quieting titters and amusement of my two bus seatmates.


Another chapter finished. I intended for Class B finally making it to the Speranza, but I got tired. Next chapter is coming... I don't know when. Introducing some more Mako fix to Route B. I'm glad I passed most of my classes. I thought I didn't pass two, but I manage to somehow scrounge up a C on one. I have to redo the other, unfortunately.

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