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She muzzled his coat feeling the warmth from him, fuzzypelt sighed it crocked from within his throat. "So she has to wear this for a couple of sunrises?" He asked.
The medicine cat oakflake paced around, full of herbs in her mouth. "Yes, make sure she doesn't itch at it!"

Fuzzypelt nodded, muzzling Spottedkit softly with love. It had been the day cloud fern had died; Frecklekit's mother. She couldn't help but worry for her friend, and guilty that a day like this she was at the medicine den and not with her friend comforting.

Her father had been at her side for the day, her mother padded in and out to check on fuzzypelt not her. She dug her claws into the moss bed, fuzzypelt noticed her frustration and playfully nipped at her cheek.

"If you want, you can go and see Frecklekit?" He asked, her gaze lightening.

"Thanks, father!" She got up and raced out of the den, the air hit her face. Making her feel better, but it did make her wound sting. Gazing around at her surrounding steadily, she didn't see Frecklekit anywhere.

But her mother from behind made her flinch, "what are you doing out of the medicine den?" She asked, looking up at her.

"Fuzzypelt let me go out!" She purred thrilled to be out on her paws playing but mostly going to see Frecklekit. Larksong grabbed her by the scruff carrying her to the nursery, Spottedkit thrashed and tried to escape from her grasp.

As she threw her to the ground, larksong gazed at her, her eyes narrowed. "Get this off, I want you looking at me when I talk!" She hissed, taking blowing to her eye. The herb that had protected her eye from being infected.

Larksong growled, sharpening her eyes onto her. To the herb Looking up at her again, "I can't you can be so selfish, taking your father's guilt and putting it onto you!"

Blinking in confusion, she couldn't answer back or even could. Larksong would threaten to hurt her again if she would explain. "I CAN'T HAVE A NORMAL DAUGHTER TO JUST OBEY ME!"

fuzzypelt padded in, his pelt fluffed up looking at them both. "What's going on, larksong?" He asked, larksong's shoulders tensed as she licked her fur back.

"Nothing, I'm just giving her some advice to not go out of camp again." She muttered.

He gazed into the eye, panicked padding to her curling her up in his warmth. "What happened?!" His voice seemed scared and anxious, his fur pricked. Licking her forehead, larksong's eyes softened.

"I don't know, she must have been playing and it fell off!" She gasped, her paw over her mouth. Her ears lowered, looking to her daughter. Dismay was in Spottedkit's voice, she leaned forward to her father, looking at his amber eyes.

"It wasn't-" larksong cut her off, muzzling her.

"Don't worry, we'll get it fixed by oatflake!" Her paw smoothed her fur, as she lapped it a couple of times. She hadn't felt like this with her mother in moons, she closed her eyes.


As fuzzypelt lead her into the medicine den again, oatflake looked at them. Her eyes widened the herbs dropping from her mouth, "what happened to her herb patch?" She asked, fuzzypelt looked to spottedkit, his gaze was stern but soft with love and comfort.

Her fur pricked, she had to lie to her father and medicine cat. "I rolled around in the dirt and it came off..." her shoulders lowered, her ears flickered her father lapping the back of her ears.

Oatflake took a look at her eye, "it seems alright, but I'll have to get ravenpaw to help me." She flicked her slim tail to the dark black Tom who sat at the end watching them with curiosity. As he noticed he got called over, excitement jumped into his paws.

He padded over looking at her eye, oatflake turned to him. Spottedkit couldn't help but look into his eyes, they were a deep blue. Soaked in glimmering starlight, and like an ocean.

"What should we do, ravenpaw?" She asked, the tom looked up at her. His ears lowered, taking him a moment to think.

"We need some, cobwebs and a special herb called yarrow!" He smiled, his gaze lightened with joy remembering it correctly. Oatflake nodded, she sent him to make the special herb for her eye. But she didn't know what it was, yarrow? But she knew what cobweb was!

She blinked, what's cobweb again? She asked herself, but her attention moved over to ravenpaw who lowered himself to her height, applying the herb into her eye then he curled up the cobweb into a small ball, he laid it onto her, making it stick onto her eye.

Fuzzypelt smiled dipping his head to the two medicine cats, "thank you very much!" He turned to Spottedkit nudging her with his muzzle making her almost fall over with a thud.

She shook her head, snapping back into reality. Looking up at ravenpaw "thank you!" Dipping her head, her father padded out slowly, Skyfall and petalpounce were eating around the fresh kill, other cats doing the same.

As she slowed down her pace, looking up to her father. His eyes narrowed looking down at her, his muzzle on her cheek. "I'll be eating with our clanmates, you go ahead and play."

Spottedkit nodded racing off, hearing his yowl from behind. "Don't go hurting your eye again!"

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