Why Me?

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I wake up to the sound of beeping and murmuring voices. "Look she's waking up." I hear as I let out a groan and feel my side throbbing in response to me trying to sit up. "Stay laying down unnie. We don't want you to pop your stitches open." I realize where I am after I fully open my eyes and see all the white walls and white bed sheets. 'Hospital. I fucking hate hospitals.'

"What the hell happened to me." I say holding my pounding head. Solar responds to my question giving me a cup of water and two pills." " A saesang scratch your side pretty bad. You had to get stitches. You passed out before we got through the door. " I take the pills Someone clears their throat. I look around the room until I spot Yoongi. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Are you allowed to be here? Is your manager okay with you being here. Will you get in trouble?" I say shooting questions at him.

"First, yes I asked my manager if I could come see you. Second, are you okay Moon?" He says getting up and walking towards me. I nod then look at my members. "How long have I been here?" I ask a bit breathless. "About two hours I think cause we got here at 9 and it's 11 now." I nod the throbbing of my head settling down. A doctor comes while we are talking about our upcoming schedule. "Hello ladies and Yoongi. Moonbyul, no dancing for a while. If you break the stitching it's going to leave a scar and we don't want that. Hand movements and walking is fine just don't stretch your side and don't pull anything. Okay?"

I nod. "Okay, I prescribe some antibiotics for the infection so you guys can get checked out now and pick the medicine up tomorrow." I get up from the bed and Yoongi catches me as I stand up wobble. "Is our security personnel here? Can we walk out together?" I say squeezing his hand. Wheein picks up her phone and calls him. A few seconds later she hangs up. "Guards is lined up outside, waiting for us. So you guys can walk out together." She says pushing the door open. Yoongi walks out first pulling me with him to the front.

"How should be make time fore each other? I was thinking that every few times we have a day off we could come see each other at shoots and stuff." I nod along in agreement. "What about dates? Yoongs." The nickname rolling off my tongue naturally. "I will make time for you okay. No matter what." We stop at the car and he turns to look me in the eyes with a soft smile. He kiss me for a few seconds and helps me into my car. He waves and walks to his car.

When we are all piled in the van I lay my down on all their laps and fall sleep to Hwasa running her fingers through my hair.

"Unnie get up we're home." I crack my eyes up and sit up. I open the car door and step out, Solar taking my head and leading my sleepy brain and body up the stairs to my bed. I drop down on my bed and instantly fall asleep.

I wake up to my alarm ringing loudly. I feel around until I feel my phone and press the off button. I get up and wake up Solar in her room. "Unnie do we have a schedule today?" I say after she is awake and coherent enough to answer. "Umm yes, we have a photo shoot for a magazine and a performance at M Countdown." She gets up and stumbles a bit. I catch her by the waist. "Let's shower together Yongsie." I say pulling her with me to the bathroom. We come out the bathroom together. My hair is soaked because Solar almost killed me in the shower. She laughs at my angry face. She pulls me to the kitchen so we can make breakfast. After breakfast is made. I take some pots and go up to Whee in's room. I clang them together until I see her start covering her ears.

"Oh my god, unnie stop. I'm up bitch." I laugh and walk to Hwasa's room. I clang the pots together until she throws a pillow at me. It catches me in the face. "Baby Hwasa get up, we have a schedule in an hour." I put down the pots and go to tickle her. She laughs and accidentally hits me in the side. "Got damn it. Ow." Hwasa freezes and starts hugging me in apology. "I'm sorry Unnie. I didn't mean too." I pat her head. " Lets go eat." I grab her hand and pull her to the kitchen with me. Solar sees us and sits our plates down. "The manager should be her in a 30 minutes so go ahead and eat while you can." We start eating and finished before we hear and honk outside.

After grabbing our bags we walk out to the parking lot and get in the van. "You guys already know the schedule for today, right?" We nod. We pull off with our manager yelling let's go. We make it to the shoot and everything is hectic. The photographer walks up to us pulling me first. "I'm going to have a couple shoot and I wanted you and Yoongi to be in it. But a few saesangs heard me and have destroyed some of my important things I need for the shoots. We have called the police but she ended having a gun. The police got her but she ended up shooting someone. So what I'm trying to say is we canceled your shoot. For your safety and ours until we investigate and find all the saesangs. I couldn't call you guys during all this mess."

I gape in shock at everything he says. "Are you okay?" The photographer nods. Our manager leads us to the car.

We hear a click behind us. I ignore it at first until I feel my manager and the girls freeze next to me. "You don't deserve Yoongi-Oppa." I turn around to see a girl with a gun in her hands pointing it at me. 'Oh shit.'

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