No peace

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(Sorry I didn't update I went somewhere and got home very late.)

I woke up to my phone going crazy with notifications. I checked the time on my phone. 4:30 am. ''Well I was going to have to get up at some point.' I get up and go to wake the others. When they are up and getting dressed I go to take a shower. When I went back to my room I saw the girls gathered in my room look at their phones. "What's the matter girls?" I say. Their heads snap up to look at me. "Unnie there's a big problem." Wheein says a bit panicked. I squint my eyes in confusion.

"What's the problem?". Hwasa turns her phone towards me. I read the tweet in horror.

"What the hell? I thought we were careful

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"What the hell? I thought we were careful. Oh my god." I sit down heavily on the bed and put my head in my hands. Unknowingly, tears start rushing down my face. "Byullie, baby, honey, look at me." Solar says forcing my hands out off my hair. "You're going to have a panic attack if you don't calm down. Look at me." I look up at her as she holds my hands. "Calm down. We'll fix it. Together." I feel Wheein and Hwasa get in our circle as they grab one of our hands. Solar phone rings, interrupting our little moment. She picks it up and looks at the ID. She looks back up to us. "It's manager-nim." Another wave of tears rushes down my cheeks. Hwasa and Wheein wipe them away. Whispering 'it's fine unnie' to me.

Solar answer the call and puts it on speaker. "Solar, you know why I'm calling right?" "Yes." "Okay good. The news of Moonbyul and Yoongi has been revealed. There isn't a way to deny it because they have evidence. So we have to confirm the dating and pause after the "Mumumumuch" comeback so that the news won't hurt you or the next comeback. And Moonbyul, you aren't in trouble, just be careful of saesangs and others okay." I feel touched at his kindness. "Yes manager-nim." He hangs up and we all get quiet. "Are you Okay Byul?" Wheein asks squeezing my hand. "Me and Yoongi never confirmed our relationship, so I don't know if he'll like us being revealed like this."

"Just talk to him right now while we have the time because we have to leave in a few minutes." Solar says getting up to shower. Wheein looks at me. "Do you want me to stay with you while you call him unnie? I already took my shower." I nod at her. She goes to get my phone while I stay seated, staring at the wall. Wheein comes back and forces the phone into my limp hand. "Siri call Yoongs." I grab the phone and he picks up immediately.

'Moon, I'm so sorry. I thought I checked everywhere for cameras and hidden interviewers. I never even asked you to be my girlfriend, before they revealed the news. Please say something.' 'You were going to ask me to be your girlfriend.' 'Yes, I was going to take you to dinner and be all romantic about it.' I let out a laugh at that. 'I'm going to ask you properly, when I have the time. Do you want to confirm the news Moon? We don't have to if you don't want to.' 'Only if you want to.' 'Okay, Bye Love see you soon'

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