Double Date

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"Is there a reason we're here Unnie." Wheein says to me a little scared. I called Yoongi and asked him and Hobi on a double date. I can tell Hoseok likes Wheein too. If I don't do anything to help her, she won't make a move at all. "Baby....Wheein... Relax honey." I say when she starts hyperventilating a bit. "Unnie I'm scared. What if he doesn't like me?" I leaned into her space and brushed her hair down the back of her head. I kissed her forehead and brought her into a tight hug.

"Baby, who wouldn't like you? You're so fucking awesome. You have the voice of angel. You're very funny and hella beautiful. Okay Honey." She laughs and hugs me back. "Now get off me. Too soft." She says playfully pushing me away.

"Hey, They're pulling up behind us. Let's go. Grab your bag babe." I say pulling her out the car with me. "Hey Byul. Hey Wheein." Yoongi says pulling me to him by a hand on my waist. "Hi, Can I call you Hobi?" Hobi nods with light blush on his cheeks. "Hey let's go in. We will pay for you girls' meals. Wheein, can I hold your hand?" She doesn't say anything and just grabs his hand and pull him along into the restaurant. I grin pulling Yoongi along as well. When we get inside we see Wheein and Hobi in a booth at the back of the restaurant.

"Do the two of you want to sit here by yourselves? We can get another booth." Wheein shakes her head so hard, I though she might hurt herself. We sit down and flag down a waitress. We make useless conversation until the waitress comes. I hear a squeal and jump. "You're Mamamoo members and BTS members." We all smile politely smile at her. "Can I please get a autograph? Sorry if I'm bothering you." She hands us a piece of notebook paper and we all sign it. "I'm sorry. What would you like?" We tell her our orders and continue talking.

"Where should we go after this?" Yoongi says putting our plates in front of us. I chew my food before I answer him. "How about that ice cream place and then the arcade? That'll be cool and I've been craving their cake for the longest." We all agree and continue eating.

After we paid we went back our cars and headed down to the popular dessert place. When we arrive Yoongi immediately grabs my hand. "Come on Moon. I want to eat those macaroons." We get our own booth and leave the two new lovebirds to talk. I watch them as I eat my cake. Wheein keeps inching closer to Hobi without realizing. I start hitting Yoongi in excitement. "Yoongi, I think they're going to kiss." I force his head and their direction. Low and behold they are kissing.

"Yes! I'm so proud of you." I yell out. Yoongi puts a hand over my mouth to quiet me. "You're ruining the moment Love." I nod and stare at them stilling kissing. Yoongi and I walked outside to wait for them. When they come out they both have a blush on their cheeks and they are holding hands. I immediately pull Wheein to the side away from Hobi. "Baby I'm so proud of you." I tug her into a hug and kiss her cheeks. She blushes harder and pushes me away. "Let's go to the arcade now." She says and she hits me to hide her embarrassment.

Yoongi walks up to me and crouched down. "Get on." I hop on his back and look towards Hobi. I glare at him until he gets the message. He crouches down for Wheein. Then we start walking to the arcade since it's not far from the cafe. I get off Yoongi's back and run towards my favorite game machine. Yoongi puts his arms around my waist from behind. I lean into him and play my game. I glance of his and my shoulder to see what Hobi and Wheein are doing. "Look at them. They're so cute." I say getting on my tippy toes to look over his shoulder.

"You've been looking at them all day. Pay attention to me." He looks at me with a pout on his face. I reach up and peck him on the lips. "Fine I'll pay attention to you. Play with me." We all spent about an hour playing games. "Hey let's invite the other members to come chill at our house."

"Yeah, that'll be cool." We all walk to our own cars. "We'll pick them up and head straight to your house." We get into our car and headed home.

"Hey girls, can the the guys come over?" "I'm cool with it." I pull Solar to the sofa with me and snuggle into her chest. "What are you doing Byul?" I mumble out something along the lines of "tired" and "need attention". I hear a knock and a door open. Solar pushes me into someone else's lap. I pout and stick my tongue out at her. "Hey babe." Once I recognize the voice I snuggle into his chest. "Are you really going to sleep right now?" Yoongi says kissing the top of my head. "Yes. You're comfy." I mumble into his chest. "Let's go to your room then. Why are you so light Byul?" He says getting up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Yoongi put me down." I whine into his back. After we make it up the stairs and into my room, he throw me onto my bed. "So whiny Byul." He flops on my bed and pulls me against his chest. "Go to sleep since you're so tired." I look up at him and stick my tongue out at him. He leans down and pecks me on the lips. "Go to sleep. I'm tired too Love."

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