Part 3: A visit from Xami

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Grian rolled out of his bed the next morning-

Literally. One moment he was comfortable, wrapped in a blanket burrito, then, BAM! On the floor. He shot up to see a grinning watcher standing over his bed. Grace was laughing.

"Again! Make Mother Spore fall over again, Mr Xami!!" She squealed.

Grian sighed. "Seriously, Xami?" He got up and put his blankets back on his bed. 

"Oh hush Xel." The watcher took off his hood and mask, showing the shoulder- length fluffy white hair, red eyes and X-shaped scar across his face.

"As the watcher of this server, I know everything, So when I saw this little mushroom, I went to the higher ups. We're working on making her an official player so that you won't have to leave her when you jump servers." XamiduraVoid said. 

(I can't imagine Grian just leaving this little 5 year old alone in an empty server I have to get him to take her with him to season 8)

He took a bag off his back and put it down on the bed. "Kronos collected some things for her, but he couldn't find any shoes." Xamidura pulled out shirts, pants, underwear, socks, a hairbrush, a blue sheep stuffie, and a couple other things.

"Thanks so much! That saves me a lot of struggle sneaking stuff in for her!" Grian hugged Xamidura.

"Ah it's no prob, G. Oh and the higher ups want you to come teach the first years flight lessons on  Saturday, is that alright?"

"It should be. I'll see and get back to you. Now you better go before Xisumia finds out you're here."

Xamidura grinned, then disappeared in a poof of purple particles. Grace pouted.

"Mr Xami?" She asked.

"Mr Xami will come back. Do you wanna help me build something?" Grian asked. Grace lit up.

"Ok!!" She climbed into the backpack. She surprisingly fit.

"Mr Xami said to hide in the backpack when we go somewhere until I become a play-er." She grinned. 

"Alright then." Grian laughed.  He picked up the backpack and set off to the shopping district.

I'm making Nice watchers in this AU cause I kinda need them to make the plot work :D

I'll try to upload at least once a week, but no promises.

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