tags & stuff

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hello, im alphabetcereal :))

i use both ao3 (archive of our own) and wattpad (obviously). and because of the absolute love i have for ao3's tagging system, i will leave the tags (the descriptors for the specific fanfic, for example, friends to lovers) and/or information down below ↓↓


teen and up audiences


no warnings apply


boku no hero academia/my hero academia


(in case you don't know, using the "&" between two characters means platonic relationship/friendship, while using the "/" between two characters means a romantic and/or sexual relationship)

katsuki bakugou/reader

eijirou kirishima & reader

kyouka jirou & reader

characters (that are mentioned most):

katsuki bakugou

eijirou kirishima

kyouka jirou

you/reader (obviously)


-gender-neutral pronouns for the reader

-slow burn

-bakugou and the reader kinda knew each other as kids (key word on 'kinda')

-friends to lovers (like friends but not 'official' friends)

-references to depression

-there is a lot of mourning and grief

-no major character dies i promise


-some fluff (and only 'some' bc bakugou is not a softy and he's not going to be)

-21 students in class 1a but we're going to pretend its normal

-updates will be pushed out as fast as i can write

-the dorms aren't separated by gender in this fic bc the readers gender isn't specified and bc i said so

-i kind of just changed the whole storyline (everything still fits i just tweaked it don't worry)

final notes:

i am 100% open to constructive criticism (as i am young and still learning). i and also open to being called a dummy for spelling errors LMAO, or being corrected/educated on things if need be.

but, i will not tolerate any mean people (ha) because i am simply on here because i enjoy writing!! and i really hope that we can all just be kind to each other :)

i am lowkey excited for writing this one but i said NOTHING!!!


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