Chapter Twenty-Two

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hey people. sorry for taking over 2 weeks to post again. ive been very busy. my family and i are moving, we've had a lot of showings for our house, meaning we've been having to leave a bunch and clean all the time (bc my siblings keep on dirtying the house OMGGG).

anyway, here's this. i didn't proofread very well, so don't come at me for stuff. i only really looked at what grammarly found concerning but i don't rlly trust them LMAO


"The weather will be better tomorrow," Mitsuki said, standing in front of the glass sliding door with crossed arms. She turned back and smiled. "You guys can play outside, then."

When she walked toward the kitchen, she patted Katsuki's head, ruffling his fluff of blond hair.

He grabbed at his head, frowning. "Hey!"

"Why tomorrow?" You stared at the wet pavement outside, puddles filling in the uneven grounding. "We can just put on our swimming suits and play out there so our clothes don't get ruined. Then we can save everyone!"

"Water messes up clothes?" Midoriya asked from beside you, his face crumbling and his eyebrows wrinkling. He touched the hem of his All Might t-shirt. "But my mom washes it in water!"

"No, that's how you wash it or it'll be stinky and gross," Katsuki said, poking Midoriya's shoulder a bit roughly. Midoriya flinched away and touched the spot Katsuki had touched.

"I hope I get a water quirk," you said all of a sudden, picking at your fingernails. "I would use it all the time so I could play in it."

"Now I want a water quirk!" a boy with spiky black hair said. You looked at him and nodded in agreement, not exactly sure of his name even though you hung out with him as much as Katsuki and Midoriya. His face was a bit blurry, and you frowned at him.

You continued to look outside and then back at your friends.

"I wish I had a quirk like you!" you said, pointing to the boy standing next to Katsuki. You couldn't remember his name, either, but he almost always had a smile, was a bit chubby, and was adorned with red wings on his back. His shirts had holes to fit them through. He looked over at you and smiled. "You have yours already," you continued, "and you can fly super high in the sky! Like a plane!"

The boy nodded at you quickly, still smiling. You gave him a thumbs up when you didn't know what else to do, and went back to staring out of the glass doors. You had your legs outstretched in front of you, your small fingers resting on your knees. You tapped them to a silent song before you felt a few rough taps on your shoulder.

"Hey! You just said you wanted to control water like a superhero!" Katsuki said, crossing his arms again. He seemed to tower over you as you sat there, his arms crossed and his anger almost menacing.

"What?" you asked.

"You can't change your mind!"

You nodded, folding your arms against your chest. Your expression mirrored his. "Yes, I can! You're not the boss!"

For a few minutes, none of you said anything, only listening to the rain and it fell onto the house. A Tv show was playing in the background, and the sound of apples being cut into small slices almost distracted you. But you stood, a sudden goal in mind.

"We should go outside," you said, tugging on the door. It made a sound as it opened, but it wasn't enough to make the boy with the wings and the boy with spiky say anything. They didn't even look over. The only ones who noticed were Katsuki and Midoriya. "Or else they will get hurt!"

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