Chapter Eight

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posting this was pretentious bc i'm posting it in my phone. anyway. sorry for not posting. i've been trying to have "backstock" for this fic. so that if i can't write, i will still be able to post without making anyone wait a month.

You woke up the same moment pain began to flood your body, a tugging sensation pulling at your limbs as you felt air was being taken from your lungs. Everything was loud, words from your own mind being clouded by the sounds around you. You tried to open your eyes but it burnt like a wildfire began on your eyelashes and would spread to your corneas if you opened them.

But then the screams you heard were more palpable, and you tried to only open your eyes in the slightest.

The entire world opened up to you, and sensations you hadn't felt before hit you too quickly for your body to react properly. You felt your stomach flip as you plummeted towards the ground, your legs bound tightly and your arms tied behind your back. You couldn't move, and you had to stick with screaming as a large mass of land grew closer by the second. Your entire body began to flip after some time, turning at a slow speed that made you feel sick. You saw glimpses of navy waters and a plane surrounded by two faraway faces and green lighting.

You felt your hand was loose and grabbed at the rope that held you. When your hands were no longer bound, you tried to move your legs close enough to your hands. You struggled for a moment before grabbing at it violently and freeing yourself. You scrambled to move your body around, attempting to stop yourself from flipping and prevent you from falling and dying in the ocean the way you were going to at this rate. When you were able to stop yourself from flipping, and found yourself on your back, you watched green lighting flee the plane that began to explode. As the plane's left engine exploded, you glanced downwards at the land that grew closer. You heard more yelling and weren't able to look back towards the explosion before the air was knocked out of you and you began to spin wildly once more. Something crashed into you, and initially you panicked at the fear it could've been a piece of the plane or a villain.

But as you grabbed at them, your fingers brushed over their eyes and eyelashes, you were allowed to peek into their mind. You searched for something recent, something you would find in less than a second of digging. You saw yourself in Bakugou's bedroom, touching the arms of the chair in hopes of distraction.


You realized it was him the moment there was an explosion coming from under you, only proving the fact to be even more palpable. And as you calmed down enough to focus on your surroundings, you not only realized you were closer to the ground than you initially thought, but that you were also far from Japan and now alone with Bakugou who, with you, had the possibility of having villains as a shadow.

The rest of the plane exploded in front of your eyes, smoke clouding the darkening sky. In the air far away from you, towards the east coast of the land you were falling towards, you saw minuscule shapes falling. Were these villains going to follow you guys in an unfamiliar land? What did they want?

Bakugou seems to have the same questions. "What the fuck did you do?" Bakugou asked, yelling loud enough you were able to hear him over the air pressure. His grip on you tightened as you looked back and became abundantly clear of the field you were bound to crash into. Explosions ripped through the ear, making your ears ring.

"What are you talking about?" you asked, yelling just as loud. Although your voice was weak, it held some sort of fear. What was he talking about? You didn't do anything?

"These people working together with the League want you dead," Bakugou said, letting off a few more explosions. He tried to say something else but choked on his words.

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