Chapter Nineteen

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pretend every dorm room has a shower lol


It had been a little more than a week since your nightmare, and there you sat in your dorm, wearing your school uniform and dreading every moment. The school, itself, was fine. It was the work, the tests, the training, and the hours you knew you would spend in the room that smelled as dull as sadness and a bit like nothing at all. It wasn't like it helped that the common rooms were only a reminder of what happened. And it didn't help that the faces of your classmates all held a bit of pity in some manner, either.

When you had eaten breakfast that morning, Ashido had walked up to you and asked if you were alright. There was no other reason besides what had happened to you, Katsuki, and Midoriya, and you could see that in her expression. That sadness that attempted to hide in her weak smile, the way her hand patted your shoulder reassuringly. Even what she had said afterward was enough to express where her concern originated. Yaoyorozu had said something similar to you not long after Ashido walked away. Sero and Kaminari, too, the both of them approaching you at the same time and in the same manner.

Tokoyami had come up to you as well, although he was vaguer and didn't carry that same pity everyone else did. He had said he wished you well and you had thanked him, bowing your head in a simple dip.

Still, as you sat in your room, having only a few minutes before you would have to leave, you stared at the ceiling. What if all of this happened again? What if your classmates got hurt again, attacked in a supposed place of safety?

You felt your phone vibrate from beside you, the feeling traveling through your messy sheets. You sat up and looked at your phone.

Today 6:51 am

Katsuki: Are you still in your dorm?

You: yeah why?

Katsuki: Just asking.

You: but why?

Katsuki: I'm coming in for a minute.

You: you didn't even ask, you just told me

Katsuki: Whatever.

You let him in after a knock pressed against your door and relaxed back into your bed only a moment after he closed it. You sighed, glancing up at him as you felt his weight cause a dip in the mattress.

"I'm not ready for all the work," you told him with a sigh, staring up at the ceiling as your hands rested against your midsection.

He hummed in response and glanced down at you. You yawned, your chest rising and your spine arching as you stretched. You didn't sleep very well last night, and you had trouble discovering why. A part of you felt it was merely an active mind, while another thought it was the resurfacing memories of what had happened—the dorms being the biggest reminder of such an event.

"What are you here for?" you asked, your fingers brushing against his elbow.

"I'll kill you," he said for no apparent reason at all. He was looking away from you, defiant to a wordless statement only Katsuki knew of.

You brought your hand back to your midsection, still laying across your messy sheets. "Is my existence painful for you?"

He looked down at you, shifting in his position. A scowl was written across his features, his expression desolate of a reason for his anger; he always looked angry without a reason. "Yes," he answered.

"That's so kind of you," you said. Not long after you began to laugh, it faded from your chest and face. That disappearance only seemed to commence when Katsuki began to lean down towards you. One of his hands migrated to the bed, placed not far from your head. He kissed you, staying there long enough for you to reach up, notice the way his hair brushed against your face, and blatantly feel the way his lips felt on yours. When the pads of your fingers reached just above his jaw, he pulled away, a deep glare on his face.

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