Chapter Thirty-One

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this chapter is extra long!! not bc it's the last, but it is one of the last ones!! omg homestretch fr

also schools started and i'm already busy. i'm sorry for taking almost another month. i've literally had no time

i'll update as much as possible but...yur

Things wouldn't be normal.

They wouldn't.

They can't.

They won't.

Terror ripped your chest when you woke up from a nightmare that consisted of claws digging at your chest and your skin being nothing but a cage.

You were trapped within your own body. Your shirt stuck to your sweaty skin when you sat up. Kirishima and Jirou were spending the night, laying on the blow up cots by your bed. They were cuddled up with blankets and pillows. Kirishima was drooling and Jirou was displayed across the entire cot.

You wiped your forehead on your forearm and stood. You walked toward the door and stumbled over the edge of Kirishima's temporary bed. Your hands smacked against the door and you flinched, snapping your eyes over to your friends. None of them moved. You swore not even an explosion could wake the two up. It was mostly their antibiotics' fault. It made them fatigued.

Continuing forward, you watched the floor closely as you stepped from your room, found your phone on the countertops by the toaster, and took it outside to the porch. You sat down on the steps before the grass and checked your notifications.


You sighed. Flashes from your slumber continued to haunt you. They were hiding under the floorboards, ready to rise from the cracks to eat you alive. Ready to engrave the images into your eyelids.

You wondered if they already rose from hell and burned everything horrid right into your corneas because when you blinked, even if only for a moment, you swore you saw the blood seeping into the floor again.

There was a crash and curse directed at nothing. It came from down the street. It almost echoed from a distance. You leaned forward in an attempt to catch a peak as the sound of metal cans against concrete struck the air. You saw a figure in the distance throwing a trash bag into the large trash bin in their driveway. Then they kicked it and cursed before walking away.

Oh. It was trash day.

It was still strange that someone was taking their trash out at two in the morning, but you weren't allowed to question this because you were also up when you shouldn't have been.

You looked back down to your phone.

Today 2:16 am


You: hey ik you're not up but someone just kicked their trash can 
especially right now
i mean, i've done it before, but it was midday and i ran over my toe

You turned your phone off to go back inside and get a glass of water but your phone buzzed against your palm.

Katsuki: That was me, ass face.

You: what

Katsuki: If you laugh, I will kill you. All I have to do is walk over.

You: i laughed
come over
i dare you too

You sat your phone down and laughed to yourself, your head downcast toward your legs and your smile hidden in the darkness of the street.

There was a slamming of a door. You flinched and stood, leaning forward from your place on your porch to see a distant figure. There was a low grumble of distaste coming your way and your lips pitched into a grin. You walked back to your front room and touched around for the light switch by the door handle. You found it and squinted when a large casting of yellow light shredded through your eyes.

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