Chapter Thirty-Two

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on one note: i rlly don't care about this fic enough anymore to proofread.. so i'm sorry

also i kinda rushed this end. i'm just so done with this fic 💀💀

just know this bitch went and got therapy and whatever. idk. i don't remember much about this story.

i'm the next:

this is the last chapter!

(btw, this whole apology monologue was written like...a month ago when i actually felt bad, but now i'm tired and rlly just want to write about my girls falling in love so)

i'm sorry the last few chapters took a while to be made and posted. truly. i never meant for any of it. i'm also sure the level ans passion in my writing decreased with time as well. i've lost a lot of the love i have for this fanfic. i think most of the problem is that i grew past this.

i still love it in a way. i spent a lot of time working on it. there are moments and scenes within it that i adore. and when i think back to earlier chapters, and imagine those parts in my head, i still feel that adoration that i had while wiring it. however, writing it later on took a toll. it wasn't fun anymore. i have other things unrelated to fanfiction that i want to write. and the moment i began to have the motivation and these ideas that have began to turn into something more than a dream, an after thought, or something i would store for later, my motivation for this fic slipped.

i still really adore writing. i just don't know if that includes fanfiction anymore. especially xreader fanfiction about mha. well, that's really the only stuff i've ever written so maybe that's why i feel opposed to fanfic. when i get ideas or see or hear something inspiring, i don't think of them as fanfic ideas anymore (which is what i used to do).

i think timing really screwed me and this fic. i'm not 13 and writing a todoroki x reader fanfic anymore. ans i'm not who i was a year ago when i started writing this fic. i'm 16. i think another issue as well, was the fact that this fic was never thought out completely. at the beginning i had ideas... i had a main idea and all, and i planned to just build on it. but instead, i went with something different. it's why i have so much love for the first half of the fic, and then a dwindling appreciation from there on out. sorry, i just wanted to say all of this before this last chapter. i might say more at the end, but i really just wanted to apologize, because never would i want to half-ass a story that i know someone (at some point), appreciated.

(okay but i'm actually done with this fic now. i would like it to be burned pls)


A note was left on your front door in the middle of the night, while the entire house was asleep. Even the note seemed to be dream-like. It felt unreal.

The way Nana approached you had the same tinge of fantasy lingering. Gran awoke you, shaking your shoulder gently and coaxing you to the morning. They hadn't even made coffee yet. The sun had barely risen, and yet voices were heard all around the house.

Gran held onto your arm and took you into the living area, revealing a note your Nana held, and almost all of your classmates standing solemnly, timid-eyed and messy-haired and in their pajamas. Gran held onto you tighter as your classmates' silence dug a whole through your chest. You couldn't tell if it was for her or for you, but you let her, regardless.

"What?" you asked, your voice broken with sleep. You looked around the room, still dark if not for the light streaming in from the kitchen.

Yaoyorozu had her arms folded and her eyes directed to the floor. Her voice was weak. "Midoriya's gone."

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