Chapter Seven

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in this story there will be some original characters. they will not be important and will not exist for the long run. i know that it can be especially annoying when OCs are important characters and you have to remember a bunch of names. but i can say that basically all of them will only be apart of the story for the journey/sake of development. like the people someone might meet along the way of their journey.

warning: some violence, mild "horror-like" descriptions, nightmares

You weren't angry at Bakugou, you hadn't been. Or at least, the feelings that you had previously felt didn't linger. You wondered if most of that anger faded away with the hours that passed slowly. You hadn't been able to sleep the few following days. It was hard to understand why, but everything felt so heavy on your shoulders. It was an unknown feeling that was difficult to ignore.

You felt as though something terrible was going to sneak upon you. Like your days were coming to an end and your body was desperate for you to be alive and well for a little longer. Those same days you were exhausted, barely able to keep your eyes focused on the world ahead of you, you talked more than you usually did. During lunch as your head rested on your arms as you sat beside Jirou and Kirishima, you couldn't help but blabber about unimportant topics. Simply, it seemed you were only speaking to keep yourself awake.

Jirou never said much. Neither did Kirishima. After all, finals before winter break were incoming, and everyone was tired at that point.

It was Tuesday, at the fragile part of the day when the sun's glow was golden. The weekend passed by quickly, as did Monday that was nothing but a blur.

And as you made dinner with Jirou, cutting pieces of meat and putting them on a hot pan, the rest of your classmates gathered in the common rooms. They wore comfortable clothes as the sky began to fall to a peaceful dusk. You could hear loud voices as they all decided on a scary movie to watch and tried their best to coerce Bakugou into joining them. It was peaceful, comfortable. You were nearly finished with the first part of your job when an alarm went off and there were bright flashes making the room glow red. The blade in your hand flashed red for a long second before returning to the sleek silver. Only a moment later, it flashed red once more.

"What's going on?" Ashido asked, standing beside the Tv where she scoured for a good movie in one of the clear, plastic bins. It was difficult to see her face when it was drowned in the dark vermilion.

"Why is there an alarm?" Kaminari said, his voice trembling. "Should we be leaving?"

"What's happening?" Kirishima looked around the room frantically, his hands steady by his sides.

Midoriya didn't move, though his eyes seemed to search the room. "What's that noise?"

"It seems something made Yuuei's campus alarm go off," Todoroki said, staring outside the window. Wind seemed to have picked up, throwing branches from a nearby tree to the ground violently.

"I don't want to die!" Mineta screamed, moving towards the corner of the room while he cried.

"Do you guys hear that?" Midoriya asked, a bit louder this time. He began to move quickly around the room, looking for a noise you weren't sure you could hear.

"What the Hell is going on?" Bakugou asked, joining the rest of you in the common area. Not long after he stepped forward, the windows that Todoroki once stared out of were shattered as shoes met with the surface. Most ducked away from the glass, and some screamed.

You shielded your face but continued to hold onto the knife like your life depended on it. If these were villains—especially if they had long distance quirks—you needed something more than your quirk to take them down. Without physically touching one of them, your skin touching their own, you were practically quirkless against them. Your quirk needed your own body to come in contact with their DNA. Whether it was their hair, blood, or skin, you needed to touch it in order to hijack their mind for one minute. The longer you touched them, the more of them that you touched, the longer it would last.

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