Chapter Four

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The project was not finished that day. Neither was it worked on the next nor did Bakugou even look your way.

It wasn't until that Friday that he was forced to look at you during English class. Your teacher, Present Mic, wanted some of his students to present their project at the front of the room. You had been one of those few who had to present that day, before the rest would have to present the following week. Bakugou had looked at you then, forced to pay attention to the way your project and accent was used as an example for the rest of your classmates. Afterall, it was a language you learned from a young age. Moreso, it was your fathers first language, and something your grandparents spoke to you when you saw each other annually.

Another time was that same day, during training.

In a way, you almost let out your anger during training. It was probably a bad idea, a mistake that had yet to affect you. Though knowing that didn't stop you. That day you continued to push your worries and emotions off your shoulders for the hour and a half you spent quirklessly sparring your classmates.

First you sparred with Shoji, whose limit was being unable to change his dupli-arms into anything other than what they were while resting. You lost against him, as you found he was a lot heavier than anticipated and had the natural advantage of six arms. It was a long spar that seemed to struggle who should've won and Shoji was a good sparring partner. He didn't hesitate while fighting, didn't doubt anyone's ability, and afterwards apologized for any harm he might've caused when you guys were sent back to the room where the rest of your classmates stood.

A few of your classmates sparred before you were sent out with Jirou. You won against her a bit quickly, though that didn't diminish the fact she was another good opponent. You found Jirou was unable to overpower with both strength and size, giving you an advantage against her especially since your quirk was dependent on quirkless combat. It wasn't that she was weak, simply she had less training with it.

For a few more sparring rounds, you watched as your classmates fought and listened to the commentary you and your classmates were forced to give afterwards. When Yaoyorozu and Uraraka walked back in from their session, Uraraka blinking a bit quickly as Yaoyorozu stumbled, yours and Bakugou's name was called.

You sighed from your nose and glanced at the boy on the other side of the small crowd. His lips were in a thin line and his blond hair shaded his crimson eyes which looked into your own with viscous intent. You began to walk through the doorway, his footsteps following behind you.

"Don't explode me out there," you said suddenly as you began to idly walk down the staircase. Your fingers gently ran across the cool, metal railing beside you.

"Who said I would?" Bakugou huffed, following behind you as you reached the level flooring and began to walk onto the brightly-lit field. "They said not to use our quirks, so I won't. I'm not an idiot."

"We need to work on the project," you said, your voice nothing but monotone. You felt a bit tired after the vigorous warm up and your previous sparring, sweat sitting sticky on your lower back, neck, and hairline. Your throat felt dry and your limbs began to feel like concrete every time you stopped moving around.

But there was a fire that was beginning to burn through you knowing that you were going against Bakugou. You weren't sure what it was, but you assumed it was a mix of three things. One was knowing that he was determined and competitive; you knew he could hold one against himself. Another was a lingering anger at what happened the other day—a radiating feeling of irritation at Bakugou for both what he did, and for him being himself all the time. The last was a growing rage that never seemed to falter. You couldn't tell what it was from, a strong sense of denial and regret tainted the feeling.

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