hundred fifty

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Previously on It's Always Been You...

"Haven't either of you noticed how her body isn't acting out a normal dead body would?"

The two men shared a look before focusing back on Wanda. "No," Bucky replied. "We haven't."

"Well, the Stones are-"

Y/N gasped, head lurching up before coming back down to the table again. She coughed as she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings.

"Y/N!" The men exclaimed.

"And just when I was beginning to explain it all," Wanda mumbled.

Y/N was panting as Bucky and Tony stood to hover over her. Wanda took her leave to go tell the others. Tony gripped onto Y/N's hand, pulling it up to kiss the back of it. His eyes were glistening with tears.

"Hey there," Y/N roughly said, smiling at her husband. "Did I scare you?"

Tony let out a watery chuckle. "You think?" He leaned down at kissed her, not caring that Bucky was right there. "Don't ever do that again," Tony whispered against her lips. "I thought I'd lost you."

Y/N ran her fingers through Tony hair as her thumb rubbed his face. "You'll never lose me."

"Mommy!" Morgan squealed, rushing into the room with Steve right on her tail.

"Morgan!" Y/N sat up with her arms spread wide. Morgan jumped into her mother's lap, being enveloped by both her parents.

"I missed you both so much!"

"We missed you too, sweetheart," Tony responded. "So much."

The small family stayed that way as others gathered inside the room. Tony opened his eyes to see Steve standing there, tears in his eyes as he watched his sister.

"Come here, Cap," Tony said, waving him closer. "You're part of the family too."

Steve quickly joined the hug. Rhodey joined next, followed by Happy, Pepper, and Bucky. One by one, each of the heroes there joined the family's hug. They were all family after all.

"I need space," Morgan suddenly exclaimed, pushing against Y/N to get out.

Everyone started laughing as they parted from the large hug. Y/N kissed Morgan's head again, glad to have her daughter back in her arms.

"Mom, what are those?" Morgan pointed to Y/N's arm.

"What are wha-" Y/N started before noticing. "Oh. Uh, those are what gives mommy her powers."

"You have powers?! That's so cool!"

"They can be. But they aren't always fun and games."

"What can you do? Can you show me? Will I get powers? If so, what will they be?"

Y/N laughed as her daughter rapid fired questions. "Maybe later. Mommy's still a little tired and needs to get these Stones out of her arm."

"Let's eat dinner with the gang and then it's bed time for you, Mo," Tony added.

"No! I want to stay up with all of you."

"What makes you think we're staying up? Your mother and I are going to bed right after you."

"Come on, Mo," Steve said, holding his hand out out. "Let's go wash up."

"Okay!" Morgan grabbed her uncle's hand and jumped down from the table.

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