hundred sixty-four

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"Tony, please!" Y/N begged, trying to remain quiet. "You're going to wake up Morgan."

"I don't care! That Captain America cosplayer shot you!"

"I'm fine, Tones. I promise. Look." Y/N pulled up her shirt, where there should have been a wound. "Feel." She grabbed one of his hands and pressed it against the spot the bullet hit her. "See? I'm fine."

"Yes, but at what cost? Did you heal yourself? How much energy did that take from you? Where you still fighting when you did it?"


"No! This is exactly what I was afraid of. That you or I wouldn't be able to stop and just be with each other. Be with our child."

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry—"

"You damn better well be because... we promised each other, no superheroing unless it was absolutely necessary. This," he waved his hand, motioning to all of Y/N, "is not necessary." He sighed. "I honestly thought it was me that was going to break this promise first... I didn't think it was going to be you, multiple times."

"Our friends need me, Tony. They need my help."

"No. You want to help. They never asked for it."


"I honestly don't want to hear anymore right now." He shook his head. "We can talk in the morning." He headed off, passing the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be in the lab."


"Goodnight, Y/N."


Neither of the two could sleep at all. Tony busied himself with suit upgrades in the lab while Y/N snuck down to the training room Tony had built under the house. She was using her powers and her physical strength to let out her frustrations. Eventually, she stopped. She stood in the middle of the room, panting. What was she going to do? Tony was really upset at her and she couldn't stand that. She honestly couldn't remember the last time they had fought each other like this, that Tony had been this mad at her. It was breaking her heart.

Y/N decided that she would go and shower and take care of Morgan, before talking to Tony. She portaled up to her bathroom and quickly got in the shower. She let the water run over her, trying to wash away the fight that happened. Her eyes were closed and she was too focused on her thoughts to realize that Tony had entered the bathroom. He stripped himself off his clothes and opened the shower. Y/N jumped slightly, staring wide-eyed at her husband.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

Tony stepped into the shower. "I'm showering with my wife."

"I can see that. But... why? Aren't you..."

"Oh, I'm furious. At you and at myself. But I need you to be able to forgive you and myself. I do my best thinking with you by my side."

Y/N nodded. "I need you too."

Tony pulled her into him and held her there. Y/N wrapped her arms around Tony and buried her head into his shoulder. They stood like that, with the water running down them. They both could feel the other slowly lose tension in their body.

"I'm so sorry, Tony," Y/N whispered. "I promise that I won't do it again."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," he replied, a slight smirk on his lips.

"That's my line."

"Yeah, well, we've sorta reversed roles here."

Y/N leaned her head back so that she could see Tony's face. "I love you. So much."

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