hundred fifty-eight

360 13 5

Vision awoke, confused. He laying on the grass, completely whole again. He stumbled as stood up and looked at himself to see if he was okay. Surrounding him were circus tents and people. Which was odd, they hadn't been there before. A man in a blue, cheetah print with stripes, spandex suit walked up to Vision.

"You're the new clown?" He questioned. "At least you're already in makeup. You're late for rehearsal with the escape artist. Come on."

The man waved Vision to follow him and walked off towards a car. At the front of the car, there was a women in chains, looking bored. Vision slowly walked forward, pointing from himself to her and then back to himself.

"Can I help you, creeper?" The woman retorted.

"You don't remember me from last night?" Vision asked. "We locked eyes. There was an unspoken understanding."

"Um, hard pass." Then she torn off the chains and began to hurry off.

"No, wait! Wait up!"


"The broadcast is gone," Tony sighed, slamming onto his keyboard. He had been up all night, trying to figure out what had happened inside the Hex from the back of the truck. "Damn it!"

"I'm sure she's fine, Tony," Steve tried to comfort both himself and his brother-in-law.

"We don't know that! Remember when Darcy told Monica that she'd been through the Hex twice now, that it's rewriting her?"


"Well, Y/N's been through 3 times. When she got sucked in, when Wanda dragged her out as a show, and when she stuffed her back in."

"Haven't you and Bruce said something about gamma radiation and the Stones?"


"Y/N had all six Infinity Stones embedded in her skin. Thanos barely survived that type of gamma radiation, Bruce only survived because of Y/N. All that happened to her was some light scarring. That's it."

"You're right. Going through the Hex might not do anything to her, since she's already withstood so much. Or, it will just bring some more of her abilities back to her."

Tony sighed. "I just want her back. I want to bring her home to Morgan and hide her so the world can't take her away from me again. I can't stand this."

"Darcy made it through the firewall," Jimmy stated, looking through files on his phone from the passenger seat.

"What'd she find?" Monica asked.

"R and D reports. All on the same project. Code name, Cataract." Jimmy then scoffed. "Hayward wasn't decommissioning Vision. He was trying to bring him back online."

"What?!" Tony and Steve exclaimed.

"Nothing worked until-"

"Wanda stole Vision's body," Monica interrupted in realization.

"That's why he was tracking Vision in the Hex," Steve said. "Hayward wants to turn Vision into a weapon."

"We can't let that happen," Tony said, determined. "We have to let Wanda and Y/N know."

"Look, there they are," Monica pointed out, as she drove, the small camp that was waiting for them.

"And you're sure these people will help us?"

"I know they will."

Monica parked and they all jumped out. The people walking around were in army uniforms. Monica and another woman walked to each other.

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