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The twins grunted as they struggled against Agatha's magical ropes. Y/N's and Wanda's hands were both glowing and they tried to decide the best way to go about freeing the boys without harming them.

"Get off of me!" Tommy yelled as Agnes decided to the ground. "Let go of my brother!"

"My powers work out here," Wanda told her, "or did you forget?"

"No, dear," Agnes responded. "I'm counting on it."

The boys grunted as the made eye contact with each other. They both then decided to run, quickly being pulled back and thrown to the ground by the rope Agnes had around them.

"No!" Wanda yelled, both her and Y/N firing shots at Agnes.

Agatha yelped as she was thrown back and the ropes that were trapping the twins disappeared. Wanda and Y/N moved forward, their hands still reached out in front of them. Still glowing with power. The twins stood up.

"Go to your room," Wanda ordered.

"No way, we're staying with you," Tommy argued.

"Come on, Mom, we can help," Billy added.

From behind, Agnes used her magic to steady herself on her feet. "Listen to your mother, boys," she taunted.

"Now!" Wanda demanded. The boys made no effort to move. "Y/N! Portal them to the house!"

Y/N nodded, the portals forming quickly. She transported herself and the boys into the Maximoff house.

"Who are you?" Tommy questioned. Y/N opened her mouth to talk but remembered that she couldn't.

"She's Aunt Y/N," Billy stated like it was obvious. Y/N furrowed her brows. "I saw her with Dad, when he was in trouble." Y/N swallowed, nodding in agreement.

Tommy suddenly used his superspeed to rush upstairs and back down again. "Here." He tossed Y/N a pen and notebook. "Use this.

'Thank you,' she mouthed with a slight smile. Tearing the pen's cap off with her teeth before starting to scribble some things down. 'We need to be able to help your mother from here. And we need to find away for me to get out of here.'

"Why would you want to leave?" Billy asked.

Y/N pursed her lips, looking at the boys sadly before writing down the answer. 'I have a family to get back to. A daughter. I don't know if she knows where I am or if I'm okay. I just need to get back to her.'

The boys shared a look and a slight nod with each other. Determined, they both looked back at Y/N. "We're going to help you get home, Aunt Y/N," Tommy promised. "You're going to get your voice back and see your daughter again. We promise."


"Uh, Tony?" Bucky called, confused. He was looking at the Hex from a tablet in his hand.

"Yeah?" Tony responded dismissively, focused on the suit he was upgrading.

"I think SWORD just set something into the Hex."

Tony immediately stopped what he was doing and gave Bucky his full attention. "What? That's impossible." He rushed to Bucky's side to look at the tablet as well. "What the hell did they send? And how?"

"Hands up!" SWORD agents began shouting at the small team they had. "Put your hands up!"

"We've got to go, Stark," Bucky said, immediately reaching for his gun. "Grab everything you absolutely must have and head for the trees. I'll hold them off."

"Are you-"

"Do it! Find a way to get in there and bring Y/N home! I'll be fine!"

The SWORD agents were rushing towards their work station. Tony ordered the suit to form around him. He spared Bucky one last glance as the SWORD agents began surrounding them before flying off. The agents starting shooting at Tony, only to be quickly taken out by Bucky.

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