Chapter 21: Date 31

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A/n: Song recommendation- 'Is This Love' by Bob Marley & The Wailers :)

You finish getting ready as Bucky knocks on your door. "Come in!" You yell as you put your shoes on.

Looking up with a smile, you expect to see Bucky, but instead you see Henry.

"Henry. How'd you get in here?" You ask.

"Stark let me. Since I use to work for him and all." Henry says. "I was hoping we could get dinner tonight."

"Oh I'm sorry Henry. I have a date." You say.

"Oh, with who?" Henry asks.

"With me." Bucky says as he walks in your room and stands next to you. "You look beautiful dolly." He says as he wraps his arm around your waist and kisses your cheek.

"Okay, well, I'll see you later tonight, y/n?" Henry asks.

You're about to nod, but Bucky speaks before you can. "No you won't. She'll be busy. Having sex. With me." Bucky says.

Henry winces and walks away. Bucky let's go of your waist and takes your hand in his. "The sex thing was a joke right?" You ask.

"Only time will tell." Bucky smirks at you and you feel heat rise up to your cheeks.

"I thought that for our last date, we could go dancing." Bucky says.

"I don't dance." You say.

He smiles at you. "I know."


Bucky's basically dragging you around the dance floor since you refuse to cooperate. "Y/n you gotta try at least." Bucky begs.

You shrug, "I'm not big on dancing. You know that."

The music switches up to a slower song. Bucky puts your arms around his neck as he takes your waist in his hands.

"Do you like Bob Marley?" You ask Bucky. He looks at you confused. "That's who's singing. Is This Love." You clarify.

"Oh. Well then yes I like Bob Marley." Bucky says.

"I like this song by him." You say.

For some reason everything became awkward between you two. "How's your day?" You ask.

Bucky chuckles. "It's good so far. How's yours."

"Good." You say.

Bucky spins you out before pulling you back in closer to him. You feel his breath on your face as you look up at him.

"Y/n I need to tell you something." Bucky says.

"Okay..." You say as you feel your heartbeat quicken.

"I don't like Henry." Bucky blurts out.

"I know..." You say. That's not what you thought he would say. You hoped it was something else.

What you don't know is that Bucky is internally cursing at himself. He really wanted to just say I Love You, but he chickened out. Now he hates himself for it. 

For now he'll just enjoy the moment. Dancing with you in his arms. Underneath the stars. As music plays in the background.

You lay your head on Bucky's chest. His heartbeat quickens underneath your head. Slowly you pull away and look up at him. Bucky's gaze flickers from your eyes to your lips. He slowly leans down. Forehead pressing against one another's. His nose presses against the side of your as his lips get dangerously close to your. And you can only hope that this time, they'll be no interruptions.

But... a girl can only dream.

"Excuse me? Can I have everyone's attention please?" Someone on the microphone starts speaking.

You and Bucky pull away and turn to the shaking man on stage.

"Hi yes. Umm I would just like to say something. Tom I love you so much. I can't see a future without you." He says.

"He's proposing." You whisper to Bucky.

"Will you do me the huge honor of becoming my husband and making me the most happiest man in the world?" He asks.

"Yes!" A man which you believe to be Tom yells as he runs on stage and kisses his now fiancé.

You smile softly. "As much as I hate public proposes, this one was cute." You say.

"Why do you hate public ones?" Bucky asks hoping to take note for the future.

"I just feel like their partner is obligated, or pressured, into saying yes. Also everyone starts cheering and there's no privacy to... you know." You say. Bucky chuckles and nods his head.

"And... it's awkward for everyone if their partner says no." You add.

"I agree with you dolly." Bucky says.

"You guys are gross!" A man yells in the crowd.

The couple on the stage ignore him as the stare at each other with loving eyes.

"Go back to hell!" Another man yells.

"I know what you're think y/n, but don't do it." Bucky says.

"They're being assholes." You pout.

"They're not harming them physically so you don't need to harm them physically." Bucky says.

People start throwing things at the couple on stage. You look at Bucky and he sighs but steps out of the way.


To say the least, you put several people in the hospital tonight. Bucky too. But only because some guy punched you. Bad mistake on his part.

Bucky's walking you to your door. You're about to walk in, but Bucky pulls you back to examine your face again.

"I'm fine Bucky." You say. He doesn't let go of your face.

"I know. I'm just-" Bucky kisses you. 

Everything seems to fade out as his lips meet yours. You forget how to breath. You forget how to act. You forget about being an avenger. About your past. Your present and your future. All you can think about is his lips on yours. You just stand there in that moment and let yourself get lost. This is your destiny. Bucky Barnes is your destiny.

He pulls away so you can catch your breath. "How 'bout a 32nd date?" He asks.

You giggle and nod. "I would like that very much."

He smiles widely and pecks your lips again before going into your room with you.

A/N: thank you for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to check out my other ones if you haven't already and I'm working on a new one called Sugar and Spice.

Love you all <3

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