Ch1 Betrayal

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Hey guys this is my first fanfiction and I hope you like it. Also I have no real parring for Percy so if you guys have any Ideas comment below. Also this fanfic takes place after the titan war before all the heroes of Olympus.


I ran through the woods tears in my eyes. "Why" is all I can think. They left me for him, my spoiled half brother.


I was walking out of cabin for a early swim in the sea when I heard a scream come from the border. I ran over drawing my sword Riptide and uncapping it.

When I reached the hill with Thalia's tree on it I saw the kid who screamed. He was about 5' 9" had blond hair and mysterious dark green eyes. He had no weapons and was being chased by four hellhounds.

I easily killed two of them with a flick of the wrist and the other two turned on me seeing as I was more of a threat than the other kid. I killed another with a strike to it's side when the last one pounced on me. I raised my sword and, sidestepped out of the way, killing it with a cut to the neck. It exploded in a shower of dust and I turned to the other kid.

Everyone arrived on the top of the hill because of the noise and before I could say anything the kid said "I killed these four dogs while that guy should and watched."

I stared at him with my mouth open, shocked that he would say such a thing when I just saved his life. He continued "I have some spoils of war to prove it!"

I looked and in his arms I saw some hellhound teeth along with a pelt and realized that they were my spoils of war I left on the ground from the hellhounds I just killed "He picked them up behind me!" I thought.

"Percy I'm very disappointing in you." Chiron said to me.

They all turned their backs on me and continued their normal activities before I could talk to them.

--time skip of awesomeness to later in the day--

I later found out the kid's name is Lance Smith. But for the rest of the day campers were giving me dirty looks and most people were avoiding me, including Annabeth. I hope dinner will be better , but oh how wrong I was.

--time skip of awesomeness till dinner--

I sat down at the Poseidon table and was about to go and sacrifice some of my food to my dad when a flash announced the arrival of my dad. He when up to Chiron and wished something in his ear and Chiron hit his hooves on the pavilion floor for silence. "Poseidon would like to make an announcement."

Everybody hushed as Poseidon said "I would like to claim my son Lance Smith."

I stared in surprise as everyone bowed to him as a glowing green trident appeared above his head. He looked at everyone who was bowing at him and his eyes landed on me. "Why aren't you bowing to me?" He yelled "I'm a son of Poseidon."

I smirked and calmly said "I'm a son of Poseidon as well."

He smiled "But I saved your life!"

"No, I'm pretty sure I saved- " I was cut off by Poseidon "Bow to your brother Perseus."

I was kind of scared I have to admit because my father never uses my full name and so I bowed.

I decided to skip the camp fire that night and went to bed.

Over the next few days he took all my friends away by doing something and then blaming it on me, like setting junipers tree on fire, destroying the Demeter cabin's crops and things of the like. As I passed they would throw things at me. Poseidon made me give Lace Riptide and declared him the savior of Olympus, conveniently forgetting me. Lance got promoted to Poseidon cabin leader and kicked me out. The Hermes cabin would play pranks that mostly ended with me getting injured. But nothing will ever compare to the day she left me.

I had left for a long time, about two years or so doing some hard favors for Athena to get permission to propose to Annabeth. I had finally done it and was going to propose to her on the beach today. As I was walking down I saw Nico in the shadows of the Hades cabin and made eye contact. He said to me "I wouldn't go down there if I were you." and with that he shadow traveled away. Interesting I thought and I continued on my way.

As I neared the beach I heard cheering and slowed a bit. When I got close enough to see my heart nearly stopped, Lance was sitting at the beach with some campers crowded around kissing someone. I got closer and saw a flash of blond. I felt something break inside me and I yelled "What are you doing!"

Everything stop and the campers around Annabeth and Lance backed up, Annabeth looked scared "Kissing my girlfriend." Lance yelled back.

I laughed and it apears that it was scary because the campers backed up farther and Lance backed away as well. "Annabeth" I said suddenly very calm "How could you."

She wouldn't meet my eyes "I was going to propose to you." I threw the box at her feet and ran back towards the cabins "Yeah you run!" Lance yelled and I used the sea to floud the place I used to call home. I got my stuff and ran. Thinking I now know why Nico left so fast

*flashback ends*

And that's why I running, away from her and that cursed camp, with no weapons and nowhere to go.


Hope you guys liked the first chapter! If you enjoy please follow my story! (^-^)

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