Chapter 13

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This chapter is going to be about Lance's life while Percy is gone.


Lance's pov

Poseidon helped me get Annabeth as my girlfriend and as a bonus, made me the hero of Camp Half-Blood. I actually can't believe how easy it really was, I mean, they all just turned around at the first chance they got and ran. I have a feeling there's more to it than just me. I wonder...

Knock Knock

"Come in!"

Annabeth opened the door and came in, "Hey Seaweed Brain, how you doing?"

"Good." I replied

"Come on," She said kind of urgently "We have a quest we need you to go on!"

"Really?!" I asked exited "When?"

"As soon as you can come to the big house." Annabeth replied

I gave Annabeth a quick kiss and gathered up my things and left for the big house.

As we walked I asked her.

"Hey, Annabeth?"


"Why did you leave Percy for me?"

She quickly looked back and forth and quickly said one word "Tartarus..." The lights all dimmed

"Yeah, he fell into Tartarus for you." the lights dimmed again but I didn't care, I wanted answers

"No, not that!" she said quickly "He... did something down there..."

"What?" I whispered softly curiosity nearly getting the best of me.

"Percy, he... we..." she frowned and then began again "We were betrayed by Achlys and she put poison everywhere and Percy..." she took a breathe "He controlled her poison and tears and nearly killed her!" She started to cry "I just, I told everyone and we were all scared of him and then you came." she nearly smiled "You came and gave us a fresh chance to be with someone who wasn't scary, who we weren't afraid might kill us fearing for our lives whenever he came."

"Isn't his Fatal Flaw loyalty?" I questioned


"Then what the heck, Annabeth!" I ranted "You left him for me! You left me such big shoes to fill, good shoes too! Not someone who was power hungry! Now I, that's right me, I have to be leader of this camp with almost no experience!"

"That's why you're going on this quest..." she replied quietly

"What's the quest about Annabeth?"

"You're going to go clean up the Titans that are left."

"Great! I'm going to risk my life and I don't even have a sword!"

"Yes you do, you have Riptide?" she said like she was asking a question.

"No, it wasn't the right sword for me, so I sent it away..." an uncomfortable silence grew

"Can you forgive me?" Anaabeth asked me

"Do you love me?" I asked and she nodded in reply

"Then yes, but only if you aren't afraid of me!" I said in a joking way. She smiled slightly and motioned for me to stay where I was and went to get something. She came back a little time later and pulled a package from behind her back. She gave it to me and told me to open it and so I did. I gasped, inside was such a beautifully crafted sword, it was as long as my leg with a bright sky-blue blade and a big sea-green gem in the pommel. I held it and it pulsed brightly in my hands.

"I made it myself." Annabeth said nervously.

"I love it! Thanks Annabeth!" I gave her a hug.

---End of Memory---

Lance's pov

I held the very blade given to me before that quest in my hands now. Looking at it it is a very dark blue, almost midnight black, reflecting my mood. If the Betrayed, if such a good warrior and still took a blade from an enemy, how would any of us demigods survive this...


So yeah, hopefully nobody hates me too much right now but just in case *locks door to Nuclear Shelter* yep hopefully I'm safe now...

Anyways! that's the chapter sorry I left you guys hanging so long! I promise I won't do it again!

The next chapter will be dedicated to the person who can tell me... What Lance will learn one his quest! hahah! good luck!

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