Chapter 14

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I have returned from the dead to update this story! Isn't that fun!?!

I dedicate this chapter to everyone who said pls update on ch 13 because why not?

I have decided the plot holes no longer bother me so here we go!


Lance pov

I woke up to the horn signifying breakfast. It was just an ordinary day in the Poseidon cabin. I stretched and smiled, the cabin was looking mighty fine without any of his things cluttering it up. Man was he messy! is took me years to clean the place of all of Percy's crap. Now things have been going good for me for a long while. The camp all looked to me and my cohorts for leadership, and it felt so good. My lackies were nothing to scoff at either, a son of Zeus named Bruce, and son of Ares we called tank though he was a scrawny little thing, and Adam the son of Hermes a bona fide Houdini.

I smiled as I thought of how the little campers looked up to me. Oh, they showered me in praise and admoration, as I deserve. It was I who tricked Poseidon into banishing his other son and it is I who claim the love of Annabeth! What's not to like?

As I made my way to the pavilion I tuned out the campers huddled around me until Annabeth arrived and they parted before her.

"Hey," she said puting her hands around my neck, "How's my Hero?"

"He's bored," I replied with a smirk moving forward to kiss her, "We haven't had a quest in months and I'm tired of killing practice dummies!"

Annabeth pouted, "No need to wine I'm sure the gods will have something for you soon."

"They'd better!" I replied disconnecting her hands and making way to breakfast, "I'm sick of waiting for them to get their lazy asses in gear!"

Thunder sounded in the distance and Annabeth looked a bit worried, but Lance is unperturbed, Who cares about the gods when I haven't had my waffles yet.

Lance did have waffles that morning and much to his disappointment nothing happened all day, but that night round the campfire Bruce was called forth by Chiron, "Bruce your father has given me a message for you, he wants you to lead a quest to kill Medusa who has made an appearance in the State of New York."

Bruce stood from the first row seat next to mine and accepted a scroll that Chiron offered him.

"About time!" I shout, "Go get your prophecy!"

Bruce looked unsure, but I'm sure he'll be fine, after all we're going on a quest!

I waited outside the big house with Annabeth for Bruce to finish receiving his prophecy so the quest can finally begin, "He's taking too long!" I complained, "Prophecies don't take this long!"

Annabeth remained silent lost in thought. Bruce emerges from the big house Chiron in tow, "We have the prophecy" Chiron announced, "Have you decided who will accompany you, Bruce?"

"Well, me of course!" I tell Chiron, "Who do you want for the third, Bruce?"

Bruce stays quiet looking at the floor, Chiron whispers something to him I can't make out then Bruce perks up and says, "We'll take Melody from the Apollo cabin."

Melody, the name rings a bell. She's that really hot healer from the Apollo cabin. A girl with lots of curves and long blond hair fills my minds eye.

"She's perfect!" I say with a smile, "We leave at dawn tomorrow, so you better get some rest Bruce and tell Melody she's coming."

Bruce nods slowly and I make a brisk walk back to my Cabin. A quest all for me! It came just in time too I was about to die of boredom!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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