Ch4 I am Chaos' Assassin

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Hey guys!

Percy still needs a paring if he's going to have one so comment below what kind of parings you'd like to see.


"I am Violet, or at least am in your tongue." Violet told me

"Oh, what is it in your tongue?" I asked curious

"It would be " then she spoke a bunch of different guttural growls

"Oh, ok" suddenly not so curious

"Yeah, see you around." She turned away

"Oh wait, Violet what group are we members of?" I asked

"Chaos will tell you that tomorrow you should probably get some sleep."

—-Line break of Epicness Time skip of Awesomeness is baking virtual cookies—-

The next day Chaos called me into her office and told me that the group I would join is the Assassins of Chaos. "If you joined you would be blessed by me and would be allowed to choose three people to be assassins with you. I will also send you on missions to kill or help people on other planets." "Chaos, who could I choose?" I asked

"Anyone Percy even if they died." She answered

"I accept and I'd like Luke, Zoe and Bianca"

"Good choice, they will be here tomorrow"

"Thank you Chaos"

Meanwhile on Earth

Poseidon pov

All of the gods are in a council meeting and they can't find Percy. I feel horrible Camp Half Blood is here and that son of mine is trying to comfort Annabeth who is crying her eyes out, meanwhile my brothers and sisters and nephews are all fighting about where my other better son is. I've been despicable, horrible even to him. "Now for another matter-"

"There is no other matter!" I shouted at my brother

"What?" He yelled back

"My son is top priority right now!"

"And why is that?" He asked in reply

"Because we all know there's another war brewing." I said my tone deathly quiet "And he's the best hero we've got!"

"Phhh, yeah right!" Lance said in a arrogant voice "I could do more than he could ever do!"

"I'll save us all!"

"You couldn't save yourself from your own element you couldn't save us!"Artemis yelled at him

I couldn't agree more.


So another chapter done, I think this is going to go for a pretty long time and I hope you enjoy!

Remember two more characters template below and a paring for Percy and any other parings you might like to see along the way!



Son of (if a demigod)


Favorite weapon(s)

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