Chapter 11

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Hello again!

This chapter is dedicated to rheacarstairs who answered the question correctly first and darkbiodragon who also answered the question correctly!

Also I have decided that Lance semed like he was weak compared to Percy's power as he was also angry and had rage as well as being the most powerful demi-god alive and used all his power against Lance.

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson, I own the plot and Lancy Pancy! (As well as all the other OCs)

Now enjoy the chapter!


Chaos Pov

I woke up in the chair next to Percy's bed. I still felt the grogginess from just waking up when I tried to think What woke me up? I looked over at Percy who was still sleeping and Apollo who was still passed out. I looked around the room, my mind slowly clearing when I realized Percy isn't breathing. Oh, so that's what woke me up... WHAT! PERCY ISN'T BREATHING!

"Apollo wake up!" I shouted snapping my fingers to make a loud firecracker snapping sound that woke him up.

"Percy isn't breathing!" I shouted at him

"What?!?!" Apollo said frantically looking around for tools

"No, no Percy you can't die." I murmured.

We sat there for who knows how long before Apollo just broke down sobbing saying 'I failed' over and over again. At that point I knew Percy was gone for not even my powers of creation could bring people back from the dead...

Lance Pov (Weren't expecting that we you!)

I saw Chaos portal out with one of the "Assassins" while the rest stood guard but I knew we needed to press our advantage with the best warrior on the enemy team down. "Press forward, they're weak without a leader!"

"Yeah!!!!!!" The Army cheered before charging forward.

--Time Skip of Awesomeness My cat told me to give you blue cookies (::)(::)(::)--

After the battle I was in the command tent and thought about the most random of things, which I guess is my way of dealing with war. Today I thought about my sword, armor and shield. They were all intricately carved and were made by Hephaestus himself, requested by Poseidon for me when Riptide disappeared. I don't really mind if I had to admit it. Riptide never was balanced for my hand, my new sword is. It works great for fighting two-handed or with my shield. Also, as a added bonus it all is enchanted to turn into a watch if I start to take off my armor.

"Hey" I was woken out of my thoughts by Annabeth.

"Hey" I said distracted. You see I never really wanted to hurt Percy, but that was the only way for me to get Annabeth as my girlfriend. Also Poseidon owed me one so i asked him to be on my side and against Percy. He never would have done it if he hadn't sworn on the river Styx that he would do whatever I asked (of course Lance would never put his father in danger).

"You OK?" Annabeth asked

"Yeah..." I said while taking off my helmet "Annabeth, I love you and all but this is my way of dealing with war..." She didn't look like it offended her so I continued "I can feel the other part of me, the raging merciless ocean raging inside of me every time I go out to battle begging to take control. I can't let it though, because it might hurt you."

"Your a sweet boyfriend Lance." She replied giving me a light kiss before she turned around to the war table "What do you want to be done with the wounded and dead?"

"The wounded in Apollo's palace, if he wouldn't mind and the dead will have a funeral tonight."




"You know you can tell me things right?"

"Yeah, Thank you Annabeth."


I thought that was a good place to end it!

The next Question of Dedication, as I'm going to call it now, is:

Who was the one who betrayed Kronos in the Titan age?

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