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Isla lay in bed with warren and looked to him and smirked as she rolled over to face him

"I could just stay here with you, in bed with him naked forever" warren said as she looked to him and smirked

"oh you wish, besides it's not like you can keep Tory hands off of me" she said as he looked to her and smirked

"you are right there" he said as he grabbed her waist and pulled her close and kissed her. She moaned into the kiss as he rolled over so that he was on top of her, she ran her hands through his hair and moaned into the kiss as it got more passionate.

Warren pulled her close and pushed into her causing her To moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her, she dug her nails into his back and groaned as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her and smirked as he pulled her close and kissed her as he rolled over besides her and pulled her close and kissed her

"I think we could do it, you know us" isla said as warren raised an eyebrow at her

"are you saying what I think you are" he asked as she nodded

"I want us to try, I'm scared after Liam bit I just don't want you to hurt me"

"I won't I promise" warren said as he leant in and kissed her

Isla stood behind the car and looked to see Esmè as she walked in, Esmè looked to her and smirked

"well that's a nice love bite on your neck" Esmè said teasing her as isla looked to her and rolled her eyes

"says the girl sleeping with Patrick Blake" isla said as Esmè looked to her and rolled her eyes as she looked to her

"so is it for real, you and warren" Esmè asked as isla looked to her and smiled

"I think so. Yeah it is. I mean I am scares me but I do want to make it work and be happy and you know how much warren has been there for me I mean yeah we were having an affair but he was there for me with the whole affair thing and how Liam was hitting me and he's a good guy deep down" isla said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard but it is going to be okay. You will make it work. I know that you will make it work as after everything you have been through with my psychotic uncle you deserve to be happy and I do think warren is good for you. I mean your both messed up in your way and your own way and you both can make to work" Esmè said as isla looked to her and smiled

Isla smiled as she walked into the club as she saw warren

"hey babe" he said as she walked over to him and kissed him

"I really want this to work warren but I also did with Liam and it scares me. I know what you have done in the past and what you are capable of" isla said as warren nodded

"I get that you are scared but you don't need to be. There is not nothing I won't do for you. I will do whatever I have to to keep you safe and I swear I won't hurt you" he said as he leant in and kissed him er as isla smiled, but could she trust him?

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