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Isla stood in the car park behind the dog. She stood pacing as she waited for warren, she wanted to see him. She needed to see him. She stood with her good over her head as she heard somehow behind her

"Isla" warren said as he placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to jump as she had her back to him

"something happened and your going to freak out" Isla said as he frowned "what is it?" he asked as she took a breathe before she turned to face him as he looked to her and frowned as he saw the black eye and the bust lip

"what happened babe" he asked as she looked to him with tears in her eyes "Liam, I tried to end it and he went bad. He attacked me" Isla said

"he won't get away with this I promise" warren said as he went to storm off as she grabbed her hand as he turned to face her

"please, don't leave me, I'm scared. He said this wasn't over and I don't want to be alone. Come back to the flat with me, stay with me please" Isla said as warren looked to her and smiled.

He pulled her into his arms as he hugged her and smiled as he kissed the top of her head

"he won't get away with it, I promise I won't let him hurt you again" warren said wanting to kill Liam for what he had done to Isla

Isla woke up in the flat and frowned as she realised warren wasnt in bed with her. She stood up and walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw him

"I thought you'd gone and went after Liam" Isla said as she sat down. He looked across to her and smiled

"oh I haven't let it go trust me but you asked me to stay so I stayed. I made you a bacon sandwich" warren said as he handed a plate to her. Isla looked to him and smiled

"did you tell him about us?" Warren asked as Isla shock her head

"no I just wanted to end it first before I did and he went mentally. Can you imagine how bad he'd go if he knew that I had been sleeping with you" Isla said as warren smiled

"I know what he did to you but I promise you, he won't get away with it. I am going to make him pay for what he did. No one gets to hurt you liked that" warren said as Isla sighed

"there's more I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to go all murderous but when I told him he tried to rape me saying he knew I still loved him" Isla said as a test rolled down her face. Warren could feel his blood boil

"he won't get away with it I promise" warren said

Isla sat in the flat as the door opened. She looked to see esme and frowned

"oh my gosh, what happened" Esme asked as Isla looked to esme and smiled

"I'm okay. You don't need to worry" Isla said as esme walked over to her best friend and sighed as she looked to her

"he did this to you didn't he? Liam" Esme asked as Isla didn't say a word. Esme sat next to Isla and smiled

"its going to be okay he won't hurt you again" Esme said as Isla looked to her and smiled.

Isla had no idea just how Liam wasn't finished and how he wanted to make Isla pay for dumping him.

Isla was in danger and she had no idea how much and everything was going to change

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